Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Special US visa flop: Iraqi translator for US military was admitted to the US on special visa in 2009. Later he sent graphic videos of beheadings and other atrocities to terror sympathizers, flew to Syria via Mexico, in 2016 was sentenced to 4 years in US prison

An Iraqi translator for the US military, Bilal Abood, admitted to US in 2009 on a special visa for Iraqi translators later sent graphic videos of beheadings and other atrocities to potential terrorist sympathizers. On May 15, 2015 he was held without bond. On May 25, 2016 he was sentenced to 4 years in US prison:

May 15, 2015, "Mesquite (Texas) Man Arrested by FBI Held Without Bond,", Scott Gordon

"FBI says man was acting as a recruiter for ISIS by spreading violent propaganda videos"

"A judge on Friday ordered a Mesquite man who is accused of lying to the FBI about his allegiance to a terrorist group held without bond until his trial.

U.S. Magistrate Rene Toliver decided Bilal Abood, 37, was a flight risk after an FBI agent testified that Abood was effectively a recruiter for the Islamic State because he sent graphic videos of beheadings and other atrocities to potential sympathizers.

Some of the disturbing images were shown on a television in the courtroom....

Abood, 37, is charged with lying to the FBI about pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, commonly known as ISIS.

Abood’s attorney suggested the graphic images could have been seen by anyone on the Internet and suggested Abood’s dual U.S.-Iraqi citizenship allowed him to travel to Syria. The lawyer also argued Abood lived with a girlfriend in Mesquite and argued the FBI had no evidence Abood was actually preparing an attack.

But Toliver quickly made her decision to keep Abood detained, noting he has no family in the U.S. and hadn’t worked in two years.

The U.S. Army confirmed Abood was assigned to basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, from July 2010 to October 2010 and was released the following month before he could be awarded a military occupational specialty. The reason he left after such a short time was not clear.

Abood faces up to eight years in prison."


Added: Citation for Abood's May 25, 2016 sentencing to four years in US prison:

8/10/2016, "Sen. Jeff Sessions Highlights 20 'vetted' Terrorist Refugees as Obama Rampos Up Admissions from Terror Hot-Spots," Breitbart, Caroline May

– On May 25, 2016, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Bilal Abood was sentenced to four years in prison for making a false statement to the FBI. Abood, an Iraqi translator for the U.S. military, was admitted to the United States through the Special Immigrant Visa program for Iraqi translators in 2009, and subsequently became a citizen. Abood enlisted in the Army and went through basic training at Fort Jackson in 2010, but left for unknown reasons. According to court documents, after being prevented from boarding an international flight, Abood told FBI agents that he intended to go to Iraq to visit family. Subsequently, Abood left the United States through Mexico and then traveled through various countries to get to Syria to join ISIS. A subsequent search of his computer revealed that he pledged an oath to the leader of ISIS, despite denying that he had ever made such a pledge."...


Comment: The US had no business in Iraq or anywhere in the Middle East in the first place. George Bush #1 and #2 should both be in prison for the rest of their lives and allowed no visitors. Thanks to them, the FBI and our swamped courts have over 10,000 open terror investigations:
"(Senator) Sessions noted there are over 10,000 open terror investigations underway the U.S. currently, and that it takes 30 agents a week for the FBI to monitor one individual suspected of terrorism.

He also highlighted the “580 individuals from the Middle East convicted of terrorism since 9/11. The U.S. simply does not have the necessary manpower to monitor potential hundreds or thousands of Islamic militants who could enter disguised as refugees."...

Sept. 28, 2016, "GOP Senators Expose Refugee Danger," Lifezette, Edmund Kozak  


Comment: How could it be any clearer that the Bush family despises the American people?



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