Friday, February 10, 2017

Since 9/11, Western Civilization Has Acted Guilty. Elites in US want this country to be overrun with refugees exactly as Europe has been-Rush Limbaugh, 2/9/17

"We allowed more Muslims to settle here in the United States in the 10 years after 9/11 than we did in the 10 years prior to it. That doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever. We acted guilty and responsible after 9/11....It’s clear what’s happening, and that is an effort is underway to fully transform this country away from the principles, traditions, and institutions of its founding. And the people in the last election rose up against that, and so now the battle is joined."
2/9/17, "Since 9/11, Western Civilization Has Acted Guilty," Rush Limbaugh

"RUSH: It’s at NBC News, but I haven’t seen this anywhere other than on their website:Majority in Leading EU Nations Support Trump-Style Travel Ban," — A majority of Europeans would support a Trump-style ban on further migration from mainly Muslim countries, according to a poll of more than 10,000 people in 10 countries. An average of 55 percent of those surveyed for London-based think tank, Chatham House, agreed that immigration from Muslim-majority countries should be halted.”...

These people are way ahead of us. They’ve seen their countries overrun. Germany, Switzerland, I mean, the United Kingdom, they have been overrun by illegal immigration and refugees from predominantly Muslim and Middle Eastern war-torn regions....The elites in this country want the same thing to happen here.

And they didn’t do much to oppose it and stop it because for the most part these populations are good little socialist populations. They trust their government, they think everybody’s looking out for everybody....Now, when they see what President Trump did, they wished it would happen in their country....What Trump is trying to do is make sure that what has happened in Europe does not happen here.

Now, it’s interesting....Does it strike anybody that on 9/11, when there were 19 militant Islamic hijackers who flew three airplanes that crashed and 3,000 Americans were killed, does it strike anybody that from that day forward the elites and many of the leaders in the United Nations and in this country moved into high gear to defend Islam and Muslim countries and militant Islamic extremism?

Which, to me, is the exact opposite of what should have happened given human nature. And by human nature, I mean, common sense. This has always amazed me that since 9/11, rather than — I mean, if 19 people kill 3,000 Americans the way they did, that’d be all the information you need to kind of get the idea what’s in the future unless you were vigilant.  

And instead our State Department started doing seminars on why do they hate us? Why is it our fault? What did we do to cause this? We were told, “Well, it’s our support for Israel, when you get right down to it, Mr. Limbaugh. Militant Islam hates us because of our support for Israel.” Yeah, okay, maybe that’s what we were told and maybe that’s a factor, but it’s certainly about much more than that. It’s simply that we exist, that we are infidels....

Why in the world have we gone out of our way to be welcoming to the people that did this? That’s what I have never understood. And when anybody has suggested vigilance and preparedness against further attacks like this, those people have been called bigots and racists or anti-Muslim, and we’ve always been told to guard against backlash against Muslims. And it was almost immediate, the defense of Islam. And militant Islamic extremism even reached a fevered pitch after that attack....

So at the time that’s going on, we have open borders, illegal immigration, people from the Southern hemisphere, Central America are pouring into the United States as wished and desired by the Democrat Party. Any attempt to stop it, get control over it, is called racism and bigotry as well. And now, in Europe, the immigration and refugees, the immigration and refugee status is primarily militant Islamic extremists. And we’re all told to shut up, don’t comment, we need to be bigger than that and let it all happen. It’s defied common sense....

Now when the president wants to do what he promised to do during the campaign and have a vetting system that’s a little bit better than what we’ve had and have a temporary moratorium trying to make sure we do not make the mistake of letting the wrong people in, all hell breaks loose. It’s in utter violation of all common sense to me.

And the same thing with illegal immigration. Nobody’s opposed to legal immigration. We’re all for legal immigration with a proper vetting that we’ve always engaged in, but there are people that want the borders of this country wide open for anyone. Now we’re dealing with the idea, well, we got a bunch of lazy middle class and lower middle class white working-class people, and they don’t want to work anymore, and we need people to come in and do these jobs....

When you look at it from afar or even nearby, whether you look at it close up, it’s clear what’s happening, and that is an effort is underway to fully transform this country away from the principles, traditions, and institutions of its founding.

And the people in the last election rose up against that, and so now the battle is joined and Trump is doing what he can to follow through on his campaign promises, and the people that supported him are sticking with him. But the effort to continue what was going on is in full speed....

Common sense would be, if 19 people killed 3,000 of your fellow citizens, that you would be on guard for the same kind of thing happening, and instead we’ve gone the other way....There’s an active desire to undermine all of these Western civilized democracies. There is an ongoing effort to undermine all of them, here, Western Europe, you name it....

Let me put it this way. I don’t ever want to be confusing. Folks, we allowed more Muslims to settle here in the United States in the 10 years after 9/11 than we did in the 10 years prior to it. That doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever. We acted guilty and responsible after 9/11. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s all I’m saying. We acted like we had done something wrong or that we had to prove that we harbored no animosity.

We were attacked....We don’t need Saudi Arabia’s oil today as much as we did, because of fracking....Why do we act like we had to do something to show our sorrow? It never made any sense to me. Still doesn’t."

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