Friday, February 17, 2017

55% of all Likely Voters approve Pres. Trump performance, Feb. 17, 2017 Daily Presidential Tracking poll, 1500 Likely Voters-Rasmussen Poll, 3 day rolling avg.

1500 Likely Voters, 3 day rolling avg.

2/17/17, "Daily Presidential Tracking Poll," Rasmussen Reports

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-five percent (45%) disapprove. 

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 37% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of +2.  (see trends). Regular updates are posted Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. Eastern....

The president sparred with White House reporters at a press conference again yesterday. Can he make the label “fake news” stick? 
Trump’s belief that radical Islamic terrorism is a threat to America is one of the primary reasons behind his temporary freeze on refugees and visas. Most voters continue to recognize that threat and believe the United States is still at war with radical Islamic terrorism.
While the president’s refugee freeze is tied up in the courts, the State Department has sped up acceptance of newcomers from the Middle Eastern and African terrorist havens targeted by the freeze. Most voters think that’s making America less safe

Most voters support the president’s plan to temporarily halt refugees and visas from seven Middle Eastern and African countries identified by the Obama administration as terrorist havens until the government is satisfied with the vetting process to keep out potential terrorists. 

Most also continue to believe that those who illegally overstay their visas to this country are a likely national security threat and that the federal government needs to work harder to send them home. 

The president argues that federal government overregulation is hurting the economy and has signed an executive order mandating that every time a government agency adds a regulation, it needs to cut two others. Most Republicans approve; most Democrats don't.
Just 21% of all voters believe the current level of business regulation is about right....

Some readers wonder how we come up with our job approval ratings for the president since they often don’t show as dramatic a change as some other pollsters do. It depends on how you ask the question and whom you ask. 

To get a sense of longer-term job approval trends for the president, Rasmussen Reports compiles our tracking data on a full month-by-month basis.
Rasmussen Reports has been a pioneer in the use of automated telephone polling techniques, but many other firms still utilize their own operator-assisted technology (see methodology). 

Daily tracking results are collected via telephone surveys of 500 likely voters per night and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel. The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 1,500 Likely Voters is +/- 2.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Results are also compiled on a full-week basis and crosstabs for full-week results are available for Platinum Members." 


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