Thursday, January 26, 2017

To Foreign Policy's David Rothkopf: We're not retreating from the world by any means. We're retreating from you. Candidates who agreed with you, Mr. Rothkopf, were resoundingly rejected by the electorate. US taxpayers are no longer willing to be global slaves of a parasitic 'foreign policy' industry and its endless 'regime change' wars which exist via intravenous connection to US taxpayer dollars. The 'philosophies that have guided America' you cite have been an unmitigated disaster. Trump is doing what he promised voters he'd do

1/26/17, "Trump’s Pox Americana-President has sounded an unprecedented retreat from its role as a world leader," Foreign Policy, David Rothkopf, CEO and Editor 

"America’s foreign policy has changed more in the week since Donald Trump took office than it has at any time since the end of World War II. Given the changes that occurred in 1991 with the end of the Cold War and after the attacks on 9/11, that is saying something. But the changes ushered in by Trump — often without benefit of consultation with his cabinet departments, experts of any sort, or the legislative branch of government — cut to the core philosophies that have guided America in the modern era, as well as to the specifics of relations with an extraordinarily wide array of countries and regions."...

Added: Mr. Rothkopf, in March 2016, the Washington Post wrote of your deeply embedded profit center's stunning demise:

3/15/16, "Rubio’s demise marks the last gasp of the Republican reboot," Washington Post, Robert Costa, Philip Rucker, West Miami, Fla.

""Those very elegant papers it published and conferences it held may have been good and smart, but they didn’t really matter,” said William J. Bennett, a conservative talk-show host and former education secretary in Ronald Reagan’s administration. Instead, everyone who’s been prominent for the last 15 to 20 years finds themselves getting pushed out.”...

The donors and institutions who have long supported hawkish fiscal and foreign policies find themselves scrambling to hold onto the consensus that has shaped the GOP for decades.... 

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich said that Rubio campaigned in a way that quickly became obsolete.

“Rubio was prepared, much like Jeb Bush, for a reasonable dialogue in Washington policy language, offering positions that reflect 40 years of national security and foreign-policy experts. All of that disappeared. The market didn't care, Gingrich said."... 


And, Mr. Rothkopf: (click to enlarge)


Following is above text with links. Google insisted on tiny text, so I included the above which is easier to read.

Finally, Mr. Rothkopf, President Trump's view that Americans should be allowed to put their own country before the "international community" has long been in the public domain. Those with the most to lose apparently ignored it. Or assumed we'd agreed to be peasants in a global monarchy.

9/7/2015, "Traitor to His Class," Julius Krein, Weekly Standard

"What Trump offers is permission to conceive of an American interest as a national interest separate from the “international community”....

Nothing is more terrifying to the elite than Trump’s embrace of a tangible American nationalism....The critical question, however, is not the source of Trump’s popularity but rather the reason his popularity is so shocking to our political culture....

Trump shows that what is most in not ideological purity but patriotic zeal....

Trump alone appears to understand that politics is more than policy and ideology."...  


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