"A pre-inauguration rally for president-elect Donald Trump ended with a
dazzling fireworks display that lit up the night sky above the Lincoln
Comment: Andrew Breitbart: This one's for you. You started it. You said, "All we did was ask the
mainstream media to correct their bias problem." And they wouldn't.
Andrew Brietbart died on March 1, 2012 at age 43. Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone: “Good! Fuck him. I couldn’t be happier that he’s dead.”
April 18, 2011: "BREITBART: Well, here's what happened, 20 years ago, Rush Limbaugh
comes in the game. He acts as checks and balance. Then Matt Drudge comes
in 15 years ago and then blogosphere explodes. All we did was ask the
mainstream media to correct their bias problem....When they wouldn't
correct themselves, citizens in the form of the Tea Party, citizens in
the form of Hanna and James (O'Keefe) and people with video cameras going
everywhere said if you are not going to correct yourself, we're going to
create a media in the wake of you incompetency.
And that's what happening. It's the most exciting time in the media
and unfortunately, the mainstream media so upset about it. It covers it
as if we're the villains out there."...
Hannity: "You are telling people that there are plenty openings
if this is what you want to do, but be prepared for, you know, being
demonized, beaten up, smeared, slandered and how to deal with it."...
"BREITBART: That's why people relate to Sarah Palin. It is why they
relate to Ann Coulter or Michele Bachmann or even a Clarence Thomas.
Somebody who has been attacked mercilessly and shows that you can
survive. That's why they tried to destroy you to demoralize others who
would join the fight....Not only do you learn to be immune to it, you also find
that people come out of the woodwork and say thank you for fighting and
standing up for what is right. That is like manna from heaven. It's the
greatest thing in the world....I live in Hollywood....I used to think Hollywood was all liberal. Because I speak up for
culture, these people come out of woodwork. There are thousands of
people in Hollywood, actors, writers, directors, punk rockers, people
with mohawks, hip-hop artists who are conservative and who are looking
for the moment in time that they can come out of the closet and fight
the battle with us."...
tea party movement and the rebellion that you’ve seen in Massachusetts
and across the country, is not because Barack Obama stinks as bad as he
does. It’s because you oversold him and you undersold the last
president. In the era of new media there’s checks and balances for the
type of propaganda you serve up and if you think you can unring this
bell… you’re wrong.”"...from Gateway Pundit
Comment at American Thinker article, 3/1/2012, about death of Brietbart: (As of 1/20/17, comments don't appear following article)
"Yael: There was a beautiful comment - at
Huffington Post, of all places. I keep re-posting it because I am still
too shocked to think in words.
"Thank you Andrew for blazing the trail. We will take it from here....rest well, Patriot."
A monumental loss."
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