Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Over 10,000 terror investigations are ongoing in the US. It takes 30 FBI agents a week to monitor one individual suspected of terrorism-Sept. 28, 2016 Senate hearing

Unfortunately, there's only one GOP Senator concerned about refugee danger, that being Sen. Jeff Sessions. The rest are open borders, America Last types. That's where the money is.

9/28/16, "GOP Senators Expose Refugee Danger," Lifezette, Edmund Kozak

"Cruz says 'our immigration laws are not a suicide pact'" 

"Republican senators questioned the strength of the refugee vetting process--as well as the wisdom of allowing 110,000 Muslim migrants from Syria into the country--during a hearing convened by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and The National Interest, Wednesday....

Sessions noted there are over 10,000 open terror investigations underway the U.S. currently, and that 

it takes 30 agents a week for the FBI to monitor

one individual suspected of terrorism. 

He also highlighted the “580 individuals from the Middle East convicted of terrorism since 9/11. The U.S. simply does not have the necessary manpower to monitor potential hundreds or thousands of Islamic militants who could enter disguised as refugees.

León Rodríguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and Simon Henshaw, deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau Of Population, Refugees, and Migration, were adamant that refugees allowed entry pose no threat to Americans."...

[Ed. note: All "refugees" are "allowed entry" to the US per US official Henshaw: "The government's decisions to grant refugee applications "are based [exclusively] on their vulnerabilities.""] 

(continuing): "Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), however, brought up the fact that 18 percent of ISIS prosecutions in the U.S. have been of refugees or asylum seekers, and Rodriguez readily admitted that refugees have been caught committing terrorism offenses.

Not only did he contradict his earlier statement that "only those who do not pose a risk to national security" are allowed into the country via the program, [also contradicted by US official Henshaw: "The government's decisions to grant refugee applications "are based [exclusively] on their vulnerabilities."] but also confirmed that the vetting process relies on U.S. intelligence only and that potential terrorists won't be flagged "if they have not appeared in our intelligence databases.""...

[Ed. note: "Databases" on prospective "refugees" are virtually non-existent: "FBI Director James Comey said in some cases Syrians’ backgrounds aren’t fully known because there is no documentation available to the U.S. to research."]

(continuing): "Rodriguez qualified his admission by raising the point that there's no possible way to identify every terrorist from any country, Middle Eastern or otherwise. 

"We never had terrorist attacks from people who came from Cuba, or the Philippines, or Mexico, or South Africa or Ethiopia," Sessions replied.

None of this was of any concern at all to the Democrats on the committee, who seemed hell-bent on ignoring the very real questions raised about national security and turning the hearing into a excoriation of supposed Republican "fear and hate."

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)...produced two giant copies of now-famous photos of refugee children: Alan Kurdi, who drowned crossing the Mediterranean, and Omran Daqneesh. Of course, Kurdi drowned because of the actions of his father — a people-smuggler....

"In all our refugee programs, we have a right and a duty to favor the admission of immigrants who support and celebrate our pluralist Western values," said Sessions. "This is not just a security test — it is a national interest test."

Sessions said we must ensure those coming in have the "ability to assimilate." We must vet their "views towards the treatment of women and homosexuals, their views on honor killings" and "their views on the Constitution," Sessions said."

map via Lifezette


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