11/9/16, Libertarian Party Vice Chair's Open Letter to Democrats, independentpoliticalreport.com
"Arvin Vohra, Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party released this
open letter to Democratic voters today in response to their candidate’s
decisive defeat:"
"Democratic voters:
Do you know why the Democratic Party lost despite better organization and more money?
It’s because you literally nominated an openly pro-war Democrat. (Obama at least pretended otherwise.)
current version Democratic Party is strongest in politically correct
parts of cities, where people are often more influenced by the fashion
of politics than by the substance. But the real Democratic voters, the
ones who have been Democrats for decades, are not really interested in
safe spaces and nonsense
They are opposed to war. Many of them became
Democrats in response to the Vietnam war and to Nixon’s War on Drugs
(which is ironic, given that Democrats initially got the U.S. military
involved in Vietnam).
When you nominated an openly pro-war “Democrat”, that was frankly too
much. They could not support that type of person. And rightly so.
To those anti-war Democrats: what do you do when a spouse mistreats
you? First you try to convince them otherwise. If that doesn’t work, you
leave, and make them earn you back.
It’s time for you to ditch the pro-War “Democratic” party. Join the
actual anti-War party: the Libertarian Party. If the Democrats want your
vote and your energy, make them earn it. Make them pledge to end the
War on Drugs and end U.S. involvement in foreign civil wars. Libertarian
Candidates have already signed pledges to that effect.
And to the anti-War left that has been missing since 2008: please
stop the hypocrisy. Democrats bombing foreign countries is just as bad
as Republicans bombing foreign countries. If you cannot hold your own
candidates the the same standards you hold Republican candidates, you
are either hypocrites or fools.
If you want to stop war, bring the troops home, shut down foreign
military bases, and cut taxes accordingly, please join the Libertarian
Party. Learn more at lp.org.
In Liberty,
Arvin Vohra
Vice Chair
Libertarian National Committee"
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