Saturday, October 1, 2016

Lester Holt interrupted Trump 41 times in the last hour, Hillary only 7 times. Holt asked zero follow up questions of Hillary but 6 of Trump-Kurtz, Pollak

1. Lester Holt interrupted Trump 41 Times in the last hour, interrupted Hillary only 7 times
2. Lester Holt asked Trump 6 follow-up questions, asked Hillary O follow ups in the 90 minutes.
3. Holt asked 15 questions exclusively of Trump, only 2 exclusively of Hillary. 6 questions were asked of both.

9/27/16, "Howie Kurtz: In The Last Hour Lester Holt Interrupted Trump 41 Times and Clinton 7," Howie Kurtz,

"In the last hour, there is simply no question that Holt repeatedly asked more fact checking and follow-up questions of Donald Trump and did not do the same for Hillary Clinton. In fact I have some research here, Holt interrupted Trump 41 times and only 7 times for Clinton. On the question of ‘fact checking’ questions, there was this great debate in the media should the moderator do that, did that

5 times to Donald Trump, for

Hillary Clinton it was 


Howie Kurtz on Lester Holtz interrupting and fact checking Trump far more than Hillary at last night’s debate.

Howard Kurtz, host of “MediaBuzz” on Fox News, stopped by Kilmeade and Friends to break down last night’s presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and explain why Lester Holt failed at being an unbiased moderator."


Lester Holt asked 15 questions exclusively of Donald Trump, and only 2 questions exclusively of Hillary. Asked 6 questions of both.

9/27/16, "Lester Holt Asked Trump 15 Questions, Clinton 2 Questions," Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart 

"A close analysis of the transcript of the first presidential debate on Monday night shows that moderator Lester Holt of NBC News asked 15 questions exclusively of Republican nominee Donald Trump, and only 2 questions exclusively of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton....

The analysis, posted on social media and drawing intense attention on Reddit, walks through the entire 90-minute exchange and notes Holt asked six questions of both candidates, in addition to Trump’s 15 and Clinton’s two....

Moreover, most of Holt’s questions prompts were overly friendly to Clinton’s point of view, while hostile to Trump. In one of the last exchanges of the debate, for example, Holt strongly implied Trump was a sexist when asking about a past criticism he had made about Clinton lacking a “presidential look.” He also introduced the opening topic of the debate by praising Obama’s economic performance, ignoring the fact that growth never reached 3% under Obama and labor force participation has fallen.

Breitbart News noted that Holt intervened several times to "fact-check" Trump--often erroneously--while never checking Clinton’s facts, even when she was completely wrong, as in her claim that she had never flip-flopped on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
In addition, the Washington Examiner‘s Eddie Scarry notes Holt asked Trump six follow-up questions, and none of Clinton,

leaving Trump “having to debate the highly anticipated event’s moderator as well as his Democratic opponent.”"


9/26/16, TV debate annotated transcript

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