Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sweden now has 55 official 'no-go zones' where police have no control, police are pelted with stones and attacked. 80% of police have considered leaving the job due to danger and low pay, per spokesman on Swedish broadcaser NRK-Kronen Zeitung (Austria)

9/23/16, "No-go Areas: Asylum crisis: Sweden's police lose control," Kronen Zeitung, (Austria) google translation

"Sweden has traditionally indeed a very liberal immigration policy, since the beginning of the refugee crisis, the Scandinavian country continues to struggle with rising crime. Especially in case of theft, sexual offenses and gang violence, the Swedish police recorded increases. 55 areas across the country by the officials already as "No-go Zones" out. Swedish media reports, the police are increasingly losing control."

"Sweden is one of the most popular destination countries for asylum seekers. But since the beginning of the refugee crisis, the executive of the Scandinavian country is faced with a massive increase in crime. Especially drug trafficking sexual offenses, thefts, vandalism and gang violence have increased, as is a report from Sweden's top police authority.

Even attacks on officials accumulate. Recently police cars were stolen by masked gang members repeatedly, according to the report. The police now leads 55 areas throughout the country as  "No-go Zones," where one must always count on attacks, police spokesman Peter Larsson said on Thursday against the Swedish broadcaster NRK: "80 percent of officials at least have thought about to change jobs." In addition to the daily danger in the job also is the. unattractive pay an issue.

The frustration of his colleagues was great, Larsson: "We do not come to solve crimes, because we are called daily to so many applications." In some areas of the country it is almost become everyday for officials to be pelted with stones and attacked.

A particularly serious example Malmö is called repeatedly. In the city about 70 cars were torched in February 2016. Especially organized gang crime was increasing, police said. The officials in the dark: Only one suspect has hitherto pried and arrested.

Sweden is a country that in the previous year, the highest number was measured by the inhabitants added to asylum seekers. Compared to the OECD States ranked Scandinavians so before Austria. Only recently, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland complained about Hungary because refuse our neighbors, so-called Dublin Cases withdraw. The Dublin Convention states that that country is responsible for the asylum procedure of fugitives, in which the latter has entered for the first time on European soil.
The refusal of Hungary also resulted in upset with Austria. Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka even threatened with a lawsuit before the European Court."


Comment: Wouldn't it be more humane for Europeans to just take a gun and kill themselves instead of this long drawn out self-genocide?


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