Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton on global stage in presidential debate smears all Americans, says "we" Americans are generally biased about everything and "need to be asked hard questions." I'm sick to death of the condescending US political Establishment who are 100% at fault for everything that's gone wrong in this country for decades as well as for the misery in large parts of the rest of the world and have never apologized for any of it, who are completely detached from normal Americans who pay all the bills, lecturing us as if we're naughty children being held after school. How is Hillary's compulsion to smear Americans not disqualifying?


9/26/16, "Hillary Clinton calls the entire nation racist," Washington Times, Kelly Riddell, analysis

"Yes, Hillary Clinton called the nation racist in her first presidential debate.

When talking about race-relations in the country, and the shootings of black men by police officers, debate moderator Lester Holt asked Mrs. Clinton: Last week you said that we have to do everything possible to improve policing to go right at implicit bias. Do you believe police are implicitly biased against black people? 

Mrs. Clinton replied:I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone, not just police. I think unfortunately too many of us in our great country jump to conclusions about each other and therefore I think we need all of us to be asked the hard questions ‘why am I feeling this way?’”

Okay, start the debate.

“That’s going to launch quite a debate tomorrow,” Hugh Hewitt, a conservative radio-talk show host Tweeted of Mrs. Clinton's comments. 

“Would you say that everyone’s a little bit racist Hillary?” Sonny Bunch, executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon tweeted.

Columnist Kimberley Strassel at the Wall Street Journal tweeted: “Hillary: The entire country is racist.”

And there you have it."


Comment: The globalist elite's idea of running the US starts with smearing the US electorate on a global stage. That's why 3 members of the globalist Trilateral Commission are also on the board of the so-called "Commission on Presidential Debates" which selects all the so-called "moderators" of the tv debates.

5 posted on 9/27/2016, 1:49:17 AM by proudpapa (Trump 2016!!)"


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