Friday, September 23, 2016

Financial Times: 'The organising fact for the rest of the world is that the US is the only nation that matters just about everywhere.' Which is exactly the problem, FT. US taxpayers can no longer bear this burden. The 'unprecedented strain' was inevitable. FT is admitting that the US has for whatever reason preempted normal development of other countries. What is 'dangerous' is FT thinks this is good and wants it to continue

9/22/16, "Trumpian threat to the global order," Financial Times, Philip Stephens

"The liberal rules-based system established after 1945 is under unprecedented strain." 

"The organising fact for the rest of the world is that the US is the only nation that matters just about everywhere."...(parag. 6)


Comment: To FT and Mr. Stephens: Things are very dangerous indeed if you think it's a good idea for one country to have co-opted the development of the rest of the world. More dangerous is that you think US taxpayers should continue being global slaves. As to Trump, he's just one person. He's had a long productive life, was very well known especially to those of us in the New York area before he became our candidate. He's where he is because millions of Americans put him there. FT types live in a different world than normal people. They honestly believe they're superior to us, just as royals felt about peasants in days of olde. Get this, FT. We're not going back to those days. If you find this hard to accept, you have choices available. First, get a new line of work, or at least get out of this one. Second, get some hobbies. Third, ask yourself who in their right mind would be so obsessed with the lives of free and independent Americans.


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