Tuesday, August 16, 2016

2016 election turned out to be about the powerful versus the powerless, and the powerless were never going to win. A nominee was never going to persuade the Establishment and its media to give up their power-Rush Limbaugh, Aug. 15, 2016

"Did anybody think that the establishment--be they Republican, Democrat, Martian, communist, whatever--were just gonna sit around and leave that up to the democratic process?...They are not."

8/15/16, "Going After the Media and Counting on Clinton Scandal Fallout Doesn't Work," Rush Limbaugh

"I can't tell you the times, there's too many to count...where people have come up to me, "We gotta go after the media. When are we gonna go after the media? The media's killing us. The media is the story, we gotta go after the media."... 

Trump was in Fairfield, Connecticut....When he was there, he told them in the rally, he said to heck with running against Crooked Hillary. We're not running against Crooked Hillary. We're running against a crooked media....

Now you're seeing what happens when you go after the media. It doesn't work....No matter how unbalanced, no matter how biased, no matter how unfair, no matter how a bunch of cheaters they are, no matter what a bunch of slavish pro-Democrat creeps they are, it never works going after them if you are the candidate. It makes you look small. Besides, despite what many people think, the media isn't on the ballot....

The media today is just--I've never seen this. I have never seen what I am witnessing. (laughing)...this is so unprecedented.... 

So the Drive-Bys at the Wall Street Journal have declared that Trump -- at least three or four times they've declared that he's already lost the election. So it's amazing. Trump's changing a lot of things. He's changing the electoral calendar, he's changing any number of things, and now he's lost the election, here we are on August 15, with a newspaper actually giving him an ultimatum to get out. They don't say what they're gonna do otherwise.

The New York Times has a story about 20 anonymous Trump insiders who say that he can't be controlled, that he's depressed, that he's down in the dumps, that he's sullen. He's inconsolable that none of this is working out the way he thought it would work out. 

There are people ostensibly--ostensibly, it's in New York Times--close to the Trump campaign who say that Trump really thought he'd been able to win over the media with his charm and with his public appearances and with the charismatic nature of his personality and so forth, much as he did during the primaries.... 

What did this election really turn out to be about? It turns out to be trying to take away all of the reins of power and all of the perks and everything associated with being a member of the establishment. Did anybody think that the establishment -- be they Republican, Democrat, Martian, communist, whatever -- were just gonna sit around and leave that up to the democratic process? (chuckles) They are not. 

They're not just gonna sit there and wait 'til November whatever the election date is and then throw their fortunes to the great unwashed on Election Day. So they've taken all these -- and the media is part of the establishment, and there are many Republicans in it. 

Practically anybody in Washington is in the establishment, so they were not gonna be won over. They were not going to be persuaded to abandon their club or their organization. You could look at it as globalist versus nationalist. You could look at it as populist versus conservative.

You could look at it as whatever it is, but it is the powerful versus the powerless, and the powerless were never gonna win this. (interruption)...The powerless were never gonna win this in a contest where the nominee tries to persuade the powerful to give it up. "But, Rush, what about the emails? "What about...?" The emails, the shmemails! Folks, there's nothing that's gonna happen with the emails. I don't care what's found in them. We should know that by now.... 

Besides, the Republicans are not serious about investigating any of this stuff on Capitol Hill, and so absent that, the media isn't gonna do it. I'm sorry. I love these people. I love Tom Fitton and all the people at Judicial Watch, but they can't do this by themselves. They simply cannot call attention to Hillary's emails. They can request them. They can do all this, and they can provide the results, but they're not gonna go anywhere because there's no official...The courts are not gonna pursue it. The DOJ has made it clear they're not gonna pursue anything....

We are not going to "illegal" the Clintons out of office. Scandal is not ever going to harm them. There is no evidence that it ever has....There are all kinds of Clinton scandals that people believe, and it doesn't matter to 'em....Mrs. Clinton's vulnerable in a lot of other ways. It just doesn't have to be scandal. She's vulnerable as she can be on policy, but for some reason, the decision has been made to go after the media today....

I find it hard to believe that 20 Trump staffers would go crying to the New York Times....I'd be really hard-pressed to believe that."...

Rush Limbaugh "Related Links"


Among Free Republic comments to Rush Limbaugh article.
"“Now you’re seeing what happens when you go after the media. It doesn’t work. But no matter how unbalanced, no matter how biased, no matter how unfair, no matter how a bunch of cheaters they are, no matter what a bunch of slavish pro-Democrat creeps they are, it never works going after them if you are the candidate. It makes you look small. Besides, despite what many people think, the media isn’t on the ballot.”

Trump needs to find ways to bypass the media and their lies.

I don’t think calling out the media on their lies is bad but the problem is you end up bogged down debating the media and not your opponent.

Get the truth out. Expose the media lies. Be on message about Clinton. That's all Trump can do.
6 posted on 8/15/2016, 5:42:48 PM by detective"


"To: detective

It’s frustrating how Hillary and her surrogates get to dismiss all of their scandals by simply saying that we need to “move on.”

I agree with you that Trump needs bypass the media and not get bogged down in constantly railing against their absurd bias and dishonesty.

No matter how correct Trump is, he isn’t going to win against them.
8 posted on 8/15/2016, 6:06:07 PM by sockhead"
"The problem is the media tell only their version of the story, not the truth. Trump is accused of opposing the media and is bogged down because they continually falsely accuse him of wrongdoing.

Trump needs to by pass the media and get the truth out. The media will never let him do that.
The media will also encourage self described “conservatives” to attack Trump and quote them when they do.

14 posted on 8/15/2016, 6:24:16 PM by detective"
"If Trump limits his attacks to the Hildabeast and ignores the media, they will eat him alive. 

Unrelentingly, everyday they will be lampooning and demeaning him, dismissing as crazy his attacks on the Hildabeast. The Never Trump crowd will join in. They will completely take over the public narrative. The media is enemy number one and if you do not attack them relentlessly, they will destroy you. Trump's media attacks also give him free public exposure like he got daily during the primaries. My record is that he won most if not all of those attacks and irritated the hell out of the media in the process. The result, very few believe anything the media says anymore. Their credibility is below the water line. 

19 posted on 8/15/2016, 6:41:09 PM by iontheball"

Comment: What Limbaugh and the commenters are recognizing without using the word is that the US is now a dictatorship. We are slaves. Elections are a joke. 


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