Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Angela Merkel admits her refugee program was "even used to smuggle terrorists." German intelligence boss says 17 Islamic killers entered Europe pretending to be refugees-Reuters, UK Express

7/11/16, "'Terrorists' smuggled into Europe with refugees, Merkel says," Reuters
"Militant groups smuggled some of their members into Europe in the wave of migrants who have fled from Syria, German Chancellor Angela said on Monday.

"In part, the refugee flow was even used to smuggle terrorists," Merkel told a rally of her Christian Democrats in eastern Germany.

More than 1 million migrants arrived in Germany last year, many of them Syrians."


Added: Longer article on Merkel's "admission:"

7/11/16, "
Angela Merkel ADMITS groups of terrorists are in stream of migrants heading to Europe," UK Express, Peter Henn

"Angela Merkel has admitted jihadi groups have smuggled terrorists among the influx of migrants fleeing the Middle East." 

"More than one million people have come into Germany in the last year after the country’s government said they would be allowed to settle there. However, the massive movement of migrants has caused problems in countries in Eastern Europe. 

Speaking today, the German Chancellor said: "In part, the refugee flow was even used to smuggle terrorists.

The lack of border checks between European nations who have signed up to the Schengen Agreement has been a particular bone of contention.

The Chancellor’s comments come after German intelligence boss Hans Georg Maassen announced 17 Islamic State (ISIS) militants entered Europe pretending to be refugees.

It also follows a plot involving a group of Syrian jihadis who planned to carry out an attack in Dusseldorf, in the west of the country.

Mrs Merkel’s proposals to open Germany’s borders to migrants and refugees last year were initially welcomed by the German people.
However, after a series of sex attacks over the New Year in the city of Cologne by immigrants from the Middle East, public opinion turned against the scheme.

Last week, in a bid to minimise the effects of the migration crisis on Europe, MEPs agreed to replace the union’s border agency, Frontex, with a new European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCG), which will be granted more powers.

Several EU countries, especially those in eastern Europe, have taken matters into their hands this year as they struggled to cope with the numbers of migrants trying to cross their borders, adding to the more than one million refugees who made their way to Europe last year.

Temporary fences were erected in the first part of 2016 on the Hungary border with Serbia, Slovakia, Romania and Croatia, the Slovenia/Croatia border, the Slovakia/Austria border and the Macedonian border with Greece and Serbia.

Speaking last week, EU rapporteur Artis Pabrics, said: "The European Border and Coast Guard Regulation will ensure that the EU external borders are safer and better managed. 

“This is not a silver bullet that can solve the migration crisis that the EU is facing today or fully restore trust in the Schengen area, but it is very much needed first step.”

UKIP’s migration spokesman Steven Woolfe MEP said it was now time to reinstate border controls.

He said: Merkel's policy of opening Europe's southern border was a monumental mistake that even now many security experts and Europol admit has serious security ramifications for European nations.

“While we must accept refugees in need, allowing a flow of migrants from the Middle East through a borderless Europe has meant many migrants entered unchecked.

“The EU's free movement rule has meant free movement for terrorists and weapons. To ensure security, proper border controls should be reinstated in Europe.”"



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