Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Trump and Hillary in statistical tie in June 21-27, 2016 Quinnipiac Poll, 42H-40T. Trump leads Hillary as better job creator by 12 points, Trump more trustworthy by 8 pts, Trump stronger leader by 6 pts, Trump better at handling ISIS by 13 pts. Trump at 33 among Hispanic voters, better than Romney's 27 and McCain's 31

33% of 2016 Hispanic voters choose Trump in latest Quinnipiac national poll putting him ahead of both Romney and McCain's final result in this group. Only 27% of Hispanic voters chose Romney in 2012, 31% chose McCain in 2008.
Poll dates, June 21-27, 2016, 1610 registered voters nationwide, 2.4 error margin. Sample: 28% R, 31% D, 33% Independent. Cellphone only 39%, landline only 5%, combinations of both, 15% and 40%.

6/29/16, "Quinnipiac University Poll"

Hillary v Trump with no other candidates: q. 1

Hillary 42
Trump 40

Hillary v Trump After adding third party candidates: q. 2

Hillary 39
Trump 37 
Johnson-Libertarian 8
Stein-Green 4


Independent voters, p. 3

Trump 36
Hillary 34


Hispanic voters, p. 3

Hillary 50
Trump 33


Trump better at creating jobs than Hillary by 12 points, 52-40, p. 9


Trump more trustworthy than Hillary by 8 points, 45-37, p. 12

Among independent voters, Trump more trustworthy by 20 points, 47-27, p. 12

Trust for Hillary drops 10 points among Hispanic voters who said they'd vote for her. 50% said they'd vote for her, only 40% say she's more trustworthy, p. 12


Trump better at handling ISIS than Hillary by 13 points, 52-39, p. 9


Trump a stronger leader than Hillary by 6 points, 49-43, p. 12

Among independent voters Trump a stronger leader by 12 points, 51-39, p. 12


Added: Media says it's "shocking":

To deflect from so-called "shock" of the dead heat, pollster and media sell old standby, "hate," in a never ending quest to pollute and dispirit the electorate: 
6/29/16, "They're TIED: Trump vs. Clinton is suddenly too close to call as pollsters say Americans hate 'mean-spirited, scorched earth campaign between two candidates they don't like'," Daily Mail, David Martosko 
"A shocking national poll released Wednesday morning shows the U.S. presidential race as a statistical dead heat, with Democrat Hillary Clinton's lead over Republican Donald Trump shrinking to just 2 percentage points, a number that's within the survey's margin of error.
The respected Quinnipiac University poll found Clinton with a 42-40 lead in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, narrowing from a 4-point gap a month ago....
The Quinnipiac poll showed two ethnic trends behind the scenes of the results, with blacks favoring Hillary by an iron-clad 91-1 margin and Hispanics favoring her 50-33.
If Trump were to win the support of one-third of Hispanic voters, he would outperform both Mitt Romney in 2012 (27%) and John McCain (31%) in 2008. Those men, the last two GOP nominees, polled 27 per cent and 31 per cent, respectively, among Hispanics on Election Day."...


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