6/27/16, "NBC News/ Wall St. Journal Survey"
Poll dates, June 19-23, 2016, 1000 registered voters nationwide, 43% Dem, 39% Repub., 11% Independent (p. 26). 47 Male, 53 Female (+6 female), p. 1. Error margin, 3.1%. "450 respondents reached with cell phone only, 50 respondents reached on a cell phone but who also have a landline."...
June 2016, among registered voters nationally:
page 10, Top priority of fed. gov. should be:
28 National security and terrorism
22 Job creation and economic growth
14 The deficit and government spending
page 25: For whom did you vote in 2012 (if you voted)?
42 Obama
31 Romney
9 Someone else
15 Did not vote
page 26: Political party identification
43 Democrat (strong, not strong, lean)
39 Republican (strong, not strong, lean)
11 Strictly Independent
How strong:
22 Strong Democrat
9 Not very strong Democrat
12 Independent/Lean Democrat
11 Strictly Independent
9 Independent/Lean Republican
9 Not very strong Republican
21 Strong Republican
5 Other
2 Not sure
page 27, Do you or does anyone in your household own a gun?
45 Yes
50 No
5 Not sure
page 12, Presidential preference today among Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Gary Johnson (Libertarian), and Jill Stein (Green):
Hillary 39
Trump 38
Johnson 10
Stein 6
None, other, not sure 7
page 12, Presidential preference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump only:
Hillary 46
Trump 41
12, If you didn't prefer either Hillary or Trump, but there were no
other candidates, and you were voting today, which would you choose?
Hillary 30
Trump 29
Not sure 41
Comparing Trump and Hillary on major concerns:
page 17, Who would be better, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?
"Changing business as usual in Washington"
Trump 53
Hillary 23
page 17, "Dealing with the economy"
Trump 47
Hillary 37
page 17, "Standing up for America"
Trump 45
Hillary 37
page 17, "Terrorism and Homeland Security:
Trump 44
Hillary 39
p. 17, "The gun issue"
Trump 43
Hillary 35
page 18, Who would be better, Trump or Hillary?
"Being effective at getting things done"
Trump 42
Hillary 39
page 18, "Being honest and straightforward"
Trump 41
Hillary 25
22, Which worries you more, that the US won't go far enough in
monitoring potential terrorists living in the US, or won't go far
enough? (Asked of one half the respondents, Form A)
54 Will not go far enough
39 Will go too far
24, Recently, Donald Trump has called for a "total and complete
shutdown temporarily" of Muslims entering the US. What is your view on
23 Strongly favor
11 Somewhat favor
13 Somewhat oppose
36 Strongly oppose
17 No opinion either way
Ed. note: Tiny text above in subhead, "Comparing Trump and Hillary on major concerns" is by order of google. I added a screen shot in legible type above the tiny text. This is how obsessed google is with preventing or sabotaging speech it disagrees with.
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