Friday, May 20, 2016

Hey Manafort, if Trump is going to change into a different person like you say, do we get to run all the primaries again and vote for someone else in case we don't like the changed person you say Trump is going to be, as reported in Politico, 5/19/16?

"When asked about Trump’s high negatives, Manafort said it was the result of the Republican primary and that Trump's "behavior can be changed.”"  

5/19/16, "Manafort to GOP aides: Trump's 'behavior can be changed'," Politico, Burgess Everett, Seung Min Kim, Eli Stokols

"The newly empowered chief strategist says Trump can win over Hispanics and be a Reaganesque figure."

"Donald Trump's newly empowered chief strategist sought to convince top GOP congressional officials on Capitol Hill that Trump can compete for the Latino vote, exploit Hillary Clinton's weaknesses and become a Reagan-esque figure in the party, according to attendees and sources familiar with the meeting.

After Trump himself attempted to sooth House and Senate Republican leaders over how the presumptive nominee will conduct his campaign and work to keep Congress in GOP control, it was Paul Manafort's turn on Thursday to try and win over some of the top GOP operatives in the party. Facing a room full of seasoned campaign veterans and longtime congressional aides at D.C. law firm Jones Day on Capitol Hill, Manafort struck a confident tone.

He told attendees that Ronald Reagan used to be criticized just like Trump is now for his polarizing reputation within the Republican Party, the sources said. And the senior Trump adviser said the campaign will work hard to court Latinos, despite Trump's poor approval ratings among Hispanics and Trump's controversial comments about Mexican immigrants, said one attendee....

Manfort saw his title officially changed Thursday to "campaign chairman and chief strategist." It's the clearest indication yet that the longtime operative, hired just two months ago, is now in charge of Trump's campaign as it shifts into general election mode....

When Manafort was asked Thursday about the vice presidential vetting process, he pointedly shot down a report that campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was leading the effort: “I’m not in charge. Corey’s not in charge. [Ben] Carson’s not in charge. Donald Trump is in charge,” Manafort said, according to an attendee.

But Manafort also reinforced a message that Trump delivered to GOP senators last week: That Trump realizes that Republicans are concerned with the tone and tenor of his campaign. When asked about Trump’s high negatives, Manafort said it was the result of the Republican primary and that Trump's "behavior can be changed.

Perceptions of Clinton are more ingrained, he argued. Her “high negatives are driven by her character. It’s something we can’t wait to exploit," Manafort said, according to the same attendee....

After the lunchtime meeting, Manafort was seen strolling through the Senate after the meeting with an aide. He declined to speak with reporters."


Comment: I don't care about Reagan. I didn't vote for him. I'm sick to death of hearing about him. Trump doesn't need to be compared to Reagan or anyone else. We don't even have a country at this moment, how about that for a topic? When was it decided that Trump was going to be an open borders, amnesty "Reaganesque" candidate? The border is the only reason Trump is where he is today. Reagan was the opposite of Trump on the border.


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