Sunday, May 29, 2016

“All the glories [separation of church and state etc] that were given to you by your forefathers are not yours to give away for the sake of moral posturing and relief from being called a bigot. You do not own your culture, your freedoms. They were handed to you by the bloody broken fingers of your elders and you do not have the right" to give them away because you can't defend yourself against a few words like racist, Islamophobe, or xenophobe"-Molyneux

Molyneux speaks about preserving freedoms fought for by our elders and given to us. Allowing invasions of so-called refugees, for example, trashes the freedoms for which many died. In the case of the UK and the EU, the latter enables politicians and bureaucrats to avoid accountability. Such a thing should be "left." Below are excerpts of Molyneux' remarks beginning approx. 7:30.

May 11, 2016, "What Pisses Me Off About Brexit | UK's EU Referendum" Stefan Molyneux, you tube

All the glories [separation of church and state etc] that were given to you by your forefathers are not yours to give away for the sake of moral posturing and relief from being called a bigot. You do not own your culture, your freedoms. 

They were handed to you by the bloody broken fingers of your elders and you do not have the right to give it away.

“The men in my family died by the dozens in wars. If they could come back from the dead and speak to me they would say ‘we did not die for this. We did not fight and struggle for this.’

“The blood sacrifice of our elders which gave us the treasures of everything we have– 

you’re giving it away because you’re scared of words

[racist, islamophobic, xenophobic].”

“My ancestors would say, ‘We had to face shrapnel, mustard gas and bombs and we stood tall and fought. What do you have to face? You will not speak the words of honesty, of cultural pride, of love for your children and your freedoms.’"

Added: "The idea that we're just one more bureaucratic layer away from paradise is madness."


Added from Susan for Memorial Day Weekend: My father who fought in WWII, luckily didn't die, and is still alive in 2016: 

World War II Air Force pilot:
Above, World War II US Air Force pilot and his Stearman biplane; below same soldier in his Air Force Uniform sometime in the 1940's, surviving. Thanks, Dad.

Born in Brooklyn in 1922

Here's Dad in 2012.


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