Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Colorado GOP chair says 'deeply entrenched' party players believe only the 'most politically engaged should determine' party nominee-NY Times. Establishment in 'life and death' battle to defeat Trump-Rush Limbaugh (Reinstating Colorado statewide Republican primary would require legislation or ballot initiative, GOP won't do it-commenter)

Commenter: To return statewide GOP primaries to states like Colorado "will require legislation or a ballot initiative—both of which are now in progress due to public outrage. 1 posted on 4/11/2016, 11:11:07 PM by snarkpup" Free Republic commenter to article below   
4/11/16, "After Loss in Colorado, Donald Trump Supporters Give State Chairman an Earful," NY Times, Alan Rappeport

"[Colorado Republican Party Chairman Steve] House acknowledged that there are a lot of deeply entrenched players within the party who think the system works well and believe that those who are the most politically engaged should determine who becomes the party’s presidential nominee....

“It was done exactly according to the rules,” Mr. House said, denying claims of underhanded or manipulative tactics. 

For Colorado Republicans the backlash came as something of a surprise because the party decided last August to do away with its presidential straw poll. After the Republican National Committee decided that the outcome of state straw polls would have to result in bound delegates, the state party decided that it would be too risky to use that kind of system because of potential problems counting that many ballots without state resources.

Colorado had a presidential primary election as recently as 2000 but abandoned it because of the costs. The state Republicans held straw polls in 2008 and 2012, but the results were not binding. State Democrats have kept their straw poll.

Mr. House acknowledged that there are a lot of deeply entrenched players within the party who think the system works well and believe that those who are the most politically engaged should determine who becomes the party’s presidential nominee.

If I tried to get rid of the caucus, they’d string me up,Mr. House said.

Until now voters have not made a huge deal about the current system. However, Mr. House expects that the ferocity of the criticism that Colorado is facing will push state legislators to make changes before 2020.

They have not asked for a presidential primary to be put back in play in a way that got their elected officials to do something about it,Mr. House said, explaining that Colorado voters have the ultimate say in determining the system.

In the meantime, the Colorado Republican Party is weathering the blowback....

“You shut the phone off at some point,” he said."


Comment: They'd "string you up"? For allowing those who pay 100% of the bills to vote in an election? Exactly what material losses will insiders experience to cause this level of anxiety? Rush Limbaugh says basically the same thing, that the Establishment is in a "life and death struggle" to beat back Trump and his followers (the latest insurgency). Why "life and death?" What exactly are individual insiders so terrified to experience?


Rush Limbaugh: If Trump doesn't win this election, the Establishment will never be beaten. They're well girded now against peasants with pitchforks:

4/11/16, "What Happens If Trump Is Defeated?" Rush Limbaugh:

(scroll down): "If you're a Trumpist, what's the objective? After winning, besides winning, what's the objective? It's to abolish this insider club, right? It's to abolish the establishment. It's to get rid of it once and for all, realizing you're only gonna be able to do that on the Republican side. The Democrats are not gonna let anybody come in and kick them out of it--and I don't think the Republicans are, either.

But let's say that that's the ultimate objective is to just get rid of this club, is to get rid of all of this insider stuff....and turn it back over to a merit based. I'm here to tell you that if the establishment beats back this effort, nobody's gonna come along and take it away from 'em again....

If the problem is perceived to be the establishment, which it is, and Trump is the vehicle for victory overwhelming, overcoming the establishment, what happens if Trump doesn't win? The establishment holds on....If the Trumpists represent one half of the voters of the Republican Party, and then if every one of them stops voting Republican, that is not gonna end the Republican establishment.

And, furthermore, the Republican establishment won't care. That's the problem. They won't care. As long as they hold on to their fiefdom, as long as there is a Republican Party, and as long as the people who run it continue to run it, then beating back this latest insurgency, they will consider to be a victory. Not whether they win the White House or not. Their first order of business right now is to beat back the insurgency, the rabble-rousers, the peasants with the pitchforks. 

That's their first objective right now. And if they have to roll up their sleeves and work with Ted Cruz for a couple of months to do it, they'll do it. But then Cruz is gonna be their next target....Don't doubt me on this. These are people hanging on for dear life. These are people in a car that has gone over the cliff; it's sinking to the bottom of the lake. They're struggling to get the windows open and swim out of that car, and they're gonna do everything they can to live. 

They're not gonna allow Trump to push that car over the cliff with the doors and windows locked....

Look, the anti-establishment movement is real. It's a lot of people. But if it doesn't succeed in making great, great inroads in the establishment this time around, it's gonna be a long time before it happens again. The establishment's gonna be well girded, well protected -- and this is for keeps....

This is precisely why the focus on Hillary and Obama and the Democrats has been lost, because right now people are in a life-and-death struggle over their identity, their self-worth and any number of other things."


Rush Limbaugh "Related links"

"FOXNews: Donald Trump Saw What Politicians Ignored. And Then He Disrupted American Politics - Douglas E. Schoen


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