Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ted Cruz is now the Establishment GOP, Washington Cartel candidate. Cruz personally invited open borders finance team of Bush Cartel to help him. Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Lindsey Graham, and Romney all now support Cruz though don't want him to win, just backing him to stop Trump--Washington Post, Cillizza

Cruz himself selected Bush Cartel open borders finance team. Illegal immigrants favored by the rich "comprise a quasi-slave labor force that has corrupted the soul of American society."
3/23/16, "Ted Cruz is the Republican establishment candidate. That’s absolutely insane." Washington Post, Chris Cillizza

"If I told you at the start of the 2016 race that Mitt Romney would vote for Ted Cruz in the Utah caucuses and that Jeb Bush, [Neil Bush], and Lindsey Graham would endorse the Texas senator's presidential campaign, you would have laughed. Probably loudly.
Cruz was--and is--hated by the Republican Party establishment, who view him as a grandstander with little interest in any of the niceties of politics. Cruz is the guy who doesn't play well with others, and whom others dislike--a lot--for that unwillingness to go along to get along.

And yet, here we are. All of those things have come to pass with Bush's endorsement -- he called Cruz a "consistent, principled conservative" in a Facebook post Wednesday morning -- the latest domino to fall. What is now beyond dispute is that Ted Cruz, the most hated man in Washington Republican circles, is the establishment GOP candidate in the presidential race. As Cruz put it this morning in an appearance on CNN: "If you think about it, in the last 10 days we've been endorsed by Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Mike Lee and Mark Levin [and recently by Neil Bush and Lindsey Graham].. I mean, you want to talk about a broad coalition [that is] ideologically diverse? That covers the entire spectrum of the Republican Party."...

Don't mistake the establishment's rallying behind Cruz as genuine support for either the man or his ideas. There is a roughly zero percent chance that Jeb Bush, for instance, thinks Ted Cruz is a great pick to be the Republican nominee or would be a great president. He doesn't. Neither does Romney. And you know Lindsey Graham doesn't. The lining-up behind Cruz is solely aimed at trying to stop Trump from getting to 1,237 delegates before the Republican National Convention.

What the establishment hopes will happen then is not that Cruz will become the nominee -- remember, they still don't like him -- but that the Texas Republican, having served his purpose by keeping it from Trump, will be replaced by a more palatable alternative like, say, Kasich. Of course, this is the most wishful of thinking since it's virtually impossible to imagine that the convention delegates will pass over not only the candidate with the most delegates but also the candidate with the second-most delegates in order to pick someone who may only win a single state in the primary and caucus process.

So, there's that. But, for the next 76 days -- a.k.a. between now and the June 7 California vote that ends the primary process -- Cruz holds the hopes of the entire establishment in his hands. That's a sentence I never, ever, ever thought I would write, and it provides further proof that 2016 is the front-runner right now for the title of weirdest and most unpredictable election ever."


Cruz personally invited Bush Cartel open borders advocates to join his finance team:

3/10/16, "The Post-Constitutional Election, Pt. 10: What Does Bush, Inc. Bring Besides Money?"

"Just when we thought our fellow Americans, voting in droves in the early primaries not for Jeb Bush, had prevailed through the ballot box against the rigged wheels and multi-millions of the permanent insiders of Bush, Inc., we find that Jeb Bush's finance committee has attached itself, leech-like, to "outsider" Ted Cruz. And vice-versa.

On March 3, eight former members of the Jeb! team joined the Cruz campaign:

Paul Dickerson of Houston, TX 
Boyden Gray of Washington, DC 
Charles Foster of Houston, TX
Reginald J. Brown of Washington, DC
Paula and Jim Henry of Midland, TX
Nancy and Randy Best of Dallas, TX.

If there was any doubt that the Bushes were back on the trail, five days lateralong came Neil, the Silverado-Asian-call-girl-Billy-Carter-by-way-of-Kennebunkport-bad-news-bailout-brother of Jeb and George W., who once upon a time found himself in the semiconductor business with the son of the former dictator of China, Jiang Zemin. Now he occupies a top slot in the Cruz organization.

Why would Cruz do this to himself, and his supporters?
Dickerson, Gray, and Brown are all former Bush administration officials, either 41 or 43, or both. Dickeron was at Bush 43's commerce and energy departments; Gray was Bush 41's legal counsel, an ambassador for 43; Brown, a counsel for Bush 43.

So much for "Ted Cruz, Outsider," a guise -- a political ruse, as compellingly argued at Conservative Treehouse -- that was always an extremely long stretch for someone who earned his spurs inside the Bush legal team during the 2000 Florida recount; who worked closely in 2000 with Houston immigration lawyer Charles Foster to craft Candidate Bush 43's pro-immigration/legalizing-aliens overhaul, and whose wife, Heidi Cruz, famously on leave from "outsider" bank Goldman Sachs, would go on to work for key globalists Robert Zoellick (Bush 43's fast track booster) and Condoleeza Rice (Bush 43's SPP booster), while co-authoring, as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a blueprint for "North American Union." And yes, it matters. Particularly when Cruz is a Canada-born presidential candidate who insists he's both "natural born" and a constitutional originalist. Smoke and mirrors seems to be this couple's chosen decor.

My question today, though, is this: What does Bush, Inc. bring to the Cruz campaign besides money?

Consider the man midway down the new Jeb-to-Ted finance committee list, Houston immigration lawyer Charles Foster. Foster is a Bush loyalist to the hilt, whose Wiki page tells us he "initiated and co-chaired" Houston monuments to George H.W. Bush and James Baker both; and, as noted above, worked closely with Cruz on formulating Candidate Bush 43's immigration program. 

Foster is also former co-chairman of Foster Quan, LLP -- motto: "the Comprehensive Immigration Law Firm" -- and current chairman of Foster, LLP -- motto: "fostering Global Immigration Solutions." He also heads the Greater Houston Partnership on Immigration Reform, billed as "a nationwide effort to secure sensible immigration reform that meets the needs of the business community, families and our nation's economy."

Translation: "immigration reform" that legalizes and probably makes citizens out of tens of millions (and counting) of illegal aliens, who comprise a quasi-slave labor force that has cuprrupted the soul of American society,  from the corporate world to the home nursery, and gutted the wage-earning capacity of millions of Americans. As the lady said, "Adios, America."

Donald Trump's electrifying immigration-control candidacy, meanwhile, poses the biggest threat probably in US history to such "reform," not to mention to the entire globalist movement.

What a headache for Bush, Inc., that deep and central node of Poppy's own "new world order." And what a monkey wrench, too. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Why, Charles Foster, for one, was perfectly happy with Obama's dictatorial immigration "reform" measures, even applauding, for example, Obama's 2014 executive order protecting some five million illegal aliens from U.S. law and deportation. As Houston Business Journal paraphrased Foster: "Immigration lawyers will finally have a way to help business owners legitimize their workforce thanks to Obama's executive order."

Then there's legal immigration, which that nation-loving hoi polloi Trump also wants to get under control. As recently as April 29, 2015, Ted Cruz was still touting his Gang of 8 bill amendment to expand H1B visas by 500 percent. Doubtless due to the Trump Effect, Cruz now calls for a six-month moratorium on the H1B visa program. No word on what happens after that, though.

Charles Foster, naturally, remains a vigorous booster of the H1B program. I even happened across a rebuttal he wrote in 2012 to an op-ed by America's conservative sweetheart, Phyllis Schlafly, on the subject. Her oped was called "H1B Visas Take American Jobs" -- and they still do.  According to Foster, however, Schlafly was "wrong" had "no basis" and even was "ridiculous" in her arguments -- all according to the pro-amnesty, Open Borders playbook, as befits a board member and past president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, which Foster is. Pushing for Syrian refugees, condemning deporations, and supporting the so-called Gang of 8 Senate "amnesty" bill is all in a day's work for AILA, of course. That's who these people are. 
Get the picture?

So this is how it all went down. 

As the Texas Tribune reported:

"[Foster] got a call from Cruz, a friend dating back to Cruz’s days working on George W. Bush‘s 2000 presidential campaign.
After thinking it over, Foster came to the conclusion that Cruz is hoping many other Republicans are reaching: The Texas senator is “really the only vehicle left to stop Donald Trump.”"
Read: stop Trump's border wall, stop Trump's American, not global, trade and immigration policies.

Politico reports:

Foster spent part of Monday afternoon writing a letter to other Bush alums and former donors, urging them to come on board with Cruz in order to stop Trump.

To recap: Cruz himself selected Mr. Global Immigration Solutions as point man to mobilize the Bush finance committee for the Cruz campaign
How could he do that? That is, if Cruz's conversion to immigration-restrictionist (such as it is) is genuine, how could he bring himself to do this -- to ally his presidential campaign with a chief legal advocate of mass immigration and legalization/amnesty for illegal aliens? What message is he sending -- and to whom?

Similarly, if Cruz's conversion to immigration-restrictionist (such as it is) is real, why would mass-immigration superlawyer Foster want to get involved? What does superlawyer Foster believe he's getting out of opening his wallet, and the wallets of his Bush, Inc. allies -- the thrill of being on a presidential campaign?
I think not."


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