Saturday, March 19, 2016

Majority of Trump supporters in Arizona optimistic about future of Republican Party, feel its best days are ahead. Kasich and Rubio supporters were the opposite, very negative about future of Republican Party-March 8, 2016 MBQF poll of likely Arizona Republican primary voters

March 8, 2016 automated telephone poll of 751 likely Arizona Republican primary voters.

3/10/16, "POLL: Donald Trump on Track to win Arizona," MBQF Consulting, Phoenix, Az.

"MBQF, a public affairs consulting firm, announced the results of a recent survey concerning the remaining four GOP candidates for president of the United States of America. [This poll was taken on March 8, Rubio dropped out on 3/15].

The results from the survey show high efficacy primary Republican voters across Arizona represented by likely 2016 turnout models. 

In the most recent automated telephonic survey of 751 high efficacy primary republican voters, conducted on March 8, 2016, the survey calculates a 3.57% theoretical margin of error, plus or minus in percentage points, 95% of the time.

Michael Noble, consultant and pollster, issued the following statement, "With early voting already underway in Arizona, Donald Trump leads with both those voters that have already cast ballots as well as among those that are still planning on voting.

Noble added, “In addition to the ballot test, we also asked both groups whether they believed if the Republican party’s best days were ahead of them or behind them
. The survey found that the majority of those supporting Donald Trump and Ted Cruz felt the party’s best days were ahead of them while those supporting Marco Rubio and John Kasich felt the opposite. This finding was consistent between both groups.”
For more information about this survey, or a summary of topline data and wording, please contact MBQF Consulting. The margin of error for this survey is +/-3.57%."


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