Friday, February 26, 2016

To GOP clubhouse debate planners: "Sean, Henry, Stuart, Reince, Sharon, Suzie, Bill, Brooke, John, Roy, Chris, Tom, Amy, Rena, Eric, Charlie, Cathy, Luke, Mitch, Mitt, Haley, Rick, Rex, Frank, et al": We notice you all stay at the same hotels and use your real names when you register-Sundance

2/26/16, "Post Debate Analysis Part II – A Message From “The Vulgarian Alliance” #ColdAnger," tcth, sundance 

"To: Sean, Henry, Stuart, Reince, Sharon, Suzie, Bill, Brooke, John, Roy, Chris, Tom, Amy, Rena, Eric, Charlie, Cathy, Luke, Mitch, Mitt, Haley, Rick, Rex, Frank, et al

You Guys Are Looking Desperate, Pathetic. (And Silly)

First, don’t stay at the same flippin’ hotels; don’t use your real names when you register (all we have to do is call the switchboard), and for goodness sake don’t run up pre-debate bar tabs (Tuesday night) thinking just because it’s never been noted before, it won’t be now.  

Second, don’t meet in the same transparent locales to plan these insufferable constructs. It’s getting silly – even Houston is not THAT big a town....

We have to ask the question: who came up with: the candidates are auditioning to join our Republican party talking point? C’mon Reince, seriously? You could just wait for the convention to display the ridiculous. Doing so now just allows everyone to discuss the upcoming BS.
Candidate Donald Trump won this debate in the first few minutes when he said to YOU:

“I am reaching voters across the board and we are creating a broader and more inclusive Republican party.” “We are rebuilding the Republican Party”"....



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