Thursday, January 28, 2016

Republicans have always conceded they were subordinate to media, that 'it's our cross to bear.' Trump is first to say no more to using candidates to sell broadcast owner's agenda via subordination to show biz 'star' debate moderators-Rush Limbaugh


Hail Mary: 1/27/16, Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch says "last chance" for his soul mate Michael Bloomberg to run for president.


1/27/16, "It's Showbiz: Stars Don't Get Paid Millions Not to Be Part of the Story," Rush Limbaugh

"Rush: I understood the point that our first caller was making....that reporters shouldn't be the ones making news....Moderate it, fine, just ring the bell when time's up. And other than that, let it go, let it be a real debate, not an elongated Sunday show. And a lot of people have this view. 

But see...the game, the rules, the way this has all evolved, the media does control who gets access. The media does control....You've called here and complained about it. The Republicans have to not only beat the Democrats, they have to beat the media....(Republicans) say..."Yeah, that's just the way it is....That's our cross to bear." Well, Trump is saying, screw it. I'm not playing that game. It's a guaranteed loser. I'm not running against Megyn Kelly. I'm not running against Brit Hume. I'm not running against Chris Wallace. And I don't want them to act like they are running against me."

But, see, the game has evolved...that the media does have this prominent role. They determine what is news; they determine what isn't news.  And they determine what you hear about the news in terms of commentary.  And they used to have a monopoly on it. Now they don't, which has made them I think even more partisan. Openly partisan....But here comes Trump outside the parameters of all this, outside the boundaries, he's not playing the game. He's done it, he's played the game, he's been a good boy up until now, but this, for whatever reasons that he cites, is too much....

The bottom line is, nobody does this. In the process, Trump has taken charge of the media....The media is out there saying you don't get to control the media, Trump is controlling the media. "Nobody gets to control the media." Yeah, they do, if they can. Are you telling me that Bill Clinton hasn't controlled the media, Barack Obama doesn't control the media?  Don't make me laugh. Any way you slice this, Donald Trump is the story. He's the story when he's there; he's the story when he's not there.... 

Fox News would love to have viewers that are interested in things other than just the news. I mean, how else are they gonna grow their audience?  So you could argue that all of this, boiled down to its essence, is show business of one form or another. And if that's the case, who's better at it than anybody else?  Who's familiar with it, who knows how to do show business media? 

Some people, when they're faced with the media, are simply compliant and polite and try to answer the questions and others look at them as people with whom you have to engage in combat....And some say...why do I have to basically bow down and kiss their feet to get where I want to go?  Trump is media savvyHe knows TV and a big part of knowing TV is not fearing it. That's why I have to chuckle when I hear people, "Oh, man, Trump, not looking good, afraid of Megyn Kelly?...If you're afraid of Megyn Kelly how you gonna negotiate with Putin?" It isn't about being afraid of anybody....

Let me remind you of a point that I have made on many previous occasions....There isn't any news anymore. The media is not news. Not in the sense that you turn to the media to find out what happened couple hours ago that you didn't know or what happened last night that you didn't know. That's what people think the news is. It isn't the news. The news, depending on where you get it, there's an agenda behind every bit of it....

It consists of never-ending criticism and mocking of the Republican Party and conservatives. It's called "news." It's called "the news media." But there isn't any news....And more and more it's descending into show business, entertainment news of one degree or another....

Now, Trump isn't even unprecedented here. Do you remember the RNC canceled a debate on NBC?... 'Cause they didn't like the questions that were asked by the CNBC moderators, if you remember that....That was the debate where Ted Cruz stopped everything for a minute and said. "The questions being asked here are absurd. They're ridiculous, they're offensive, and they're distracting."

Everybody applauded and all that, and the CNBC moderators smirked and laughed and they chuckled. Even though they were being ripped to shreds, they thought, "Home run, man! We became the story." The idea that members of the media are not the story? Don't make me laugh. The idea that the media gets out of the way, doesn't want to become the story?...Who's gonna pay you $6 million a year to anchor a program where you aren't the news?...If they're gonna pay you $6 million, $12 million, whatever it is, you better be the reason people are tuning in....

It's happening throughout the media. It's all now personal....all personality oriented."...


Additional Limbaugh transcript from 1/27/16:

1/27/16, "How the Heartland Views Fox News,"
Rush Limbaugh

"Folks, I want to let you in on another observation of mine -- and that's all it is, is an observation.  I have found, when talking to people, including media people in the East Coast, New York -- well, all the way up and down the East Coast, but New York -- Washington, Boston, down here in south Florida and so forth, virtually everybody thinks of Fox News as a conservative network.  But you go out... As I've traveled around and go places...

I'm here to tell you: Fox News is not considered the conservative network that it used to be. I'm not trying to stir anything up here. I'm saying that when you hear the media, who are all leftists, talk about Fox News, it may as well be the John Birch Society as far as they're concerned....It may as well be the Birchers. It may as well be whatever evil right-wing organization. But you go out to the heartland of this country, and it's not so much. I mean, what would a conservative network be doing giving time to Michael Moore?...

Now, the identity is still pretty obviously heavily tilted to news and analysis that you don't get anywhere else, and that remains true. I'm just telling you people's perceptions as they share them with me. I'll tell you what I think...It's just more evidence of the media being out of touch...

Since we're talking about Iowa, I don't think they really know what's important to the people of Iowa. Because they look at everything through their own prism of being in the Northeast and part of the liberal power structure that determines every social, political structure in that part of the country -- and, as such, there's a divide....

And it's no more obvious than the issue of immigration. But it's also obvious on the issue of say, Obamacare, or spending....When you start talking about Fox News, people in the media say, "Oh, it's just embarrassing. Right wing! My God, ugh." But it's not thought of that way in many parts of the country."


More Rush Limbaugh "Related links"


Ed. note: Rush Limbaugh is Establishment at heart. I define Establishment as 'the country comes last.' He's somehow able to absorb and distill information of value to a general audience. That's my experience listening to his show since 1989 and reading his transcripts.


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