Monday, January 11, 2016

President Trump is the ‘Only Hope to Defeat the Kingmakers...everybody else will fall in line.' Immigration is defining battle -Phyllis Schlafly. Donor Class under Republican label forced their will on a free people and have picked our last bunch of losers-Breitbart


Above, 1/1/1964, Nelson Rockefeller campaigning for Republican nomination for President. When he failed to win the 1964 nomination, an enraged Rockefeller said GOP was being taken over by dangerous extremists whether Communists, Ku Klux Klan or John Birchers.
1/10/16, "Exclusive–Phyllis Schlafly Makes the Case for President Trump: ‘Only Hope to Defeat the Kingmakers’," Breitbart, Julia Hahn

"“Trump is the only hope to defeat the Kingmakers,” Schlafly told Breitbart resolutely. “Because everybody else will fall in line. The Kingmakers have so much money behind them.”

More than fifty years ago, Schlafly coined the term Kingmakers—or what Schlafly says is now “generally called the Establishment,” or donor class—to describe a select group of cosmopolitan elites who control the Republican Party and have historically determined the Party’s presidential nominee. Aspects of Schlafly’s Kingmaker theory have been articulated in, what is today known as, the “invisible primary” or “The Party Decides” theory.

As Schlafly wrote in 1964, these “few secret kingmakerssuccessfully forced their choice on a free country where there are more than 34 million Republican voters… 

They dictated the choice of the Republican presidential nominee just as completely as the Paris dressmakers control the length of women’s skirts.”

“The Kingmakers,” Schlafly told Breitbart, “have picked our last bunch of losers

And there’s one loser after another because they were more interested in maintaining their flow of money from the big donors and their cooperation with the Democrats—their bipartisanship—and that’s not my goal. I’m for America."...

With the Iowa caucus only three weeks away, in Schlafly’s view, America has the opportunity to make a choice—one that she wrote about more than fifty years ago:

"I can look back on campaigns in which I saw Republicans on the local level working their hearts out for a cause they believed to be just, only to realize, after it was all over, that the kingmakers had given them a candidate who would not campaign on the issues. I speak with the voice of the countless Republican Party workers who don’t want this to happen again; in the words of the greatest Republican slogan of this century, they have “had enough”… 

At this crucial point in American history, will we send in our bat boy? Or will we send in our Babe Ruth—a man who is not afraid or forbidden to take a good cut at all major issues of the day?"...

The in-depth interview comes more than fifty years after the publication of Schlafly’s seminal work, A Choice Not An Echo, which inspired a generation of conservatives and defined the battle lines between the Republican grassroots and the Party elites.

Today, Schlafly tells Breitbart that the defining and most important battle is immigration. She said that current visa rates will “destroy our country,” and called for a pause on all new immigration, just like the county had during the middle of the 20th century."...


Added: Some Rockefeller Republicans: 

Above, Nelson Rockefeller, Oct. 7, 1973

Above, Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller, Dec. 12, 1974, getty 

Above, Nelson Rockefeller, Bob Dole, Gerald Ford,
Mrs. Ford, at RNC Convention in Kansas City, August 19, 1976

Above: Who could forget Nixon and Kissinger?: "Nixon in 1972, whom he (Henry Kissinger) served as national security advisor and secretary of state," Getty photo via

Sept. 30, 2002, "To be a Rockefeller," Vanity Fair, David Rockefeller


Added: Rockefeller Republicans spew their best hate with microphones on a national stage: 

Nelson Rockefeller on national television after losing the GOP nomination for president in 1964 said "dangerous extremism" was taking over the Republican Party, "whether Communist, Ku Klux Klan, or Birchers:"
Rockefeller: ""During this year I have criss-crossed this nation fighting--to keep the Republican party the party of all the people and warning of the extremist threat, it's a danger to the party.

--It's danger to the party and it's danger to the nation. The methods of these extremist elements, I have experienced first hand. [Crowd boos.] That's right. Their tactics have ranged from cancellation by coercion of a speaking engagement before a college to outright threats of personal violence. 

This is still a free country ladies and gentlemen. [Crowd boos.] These things, ladies and gentlemen have no place in America, but I can personally testify to their existence. And, so can countless others who have also experienced anonymous mid-night and early morning telephone calls. That's right. [Crowd boos.] Unsigned and threatening letters. Smear and hate literature, strong-arm goon tactics, bomb threats and bombings. Infiltration and takeover of established political organizations by Communist and Nazi methods! [Crowd boos.]

Some of you don't like to hear it ladies and gentlemen, but it's the truth. These extremists feed on fear, hate and terror...There is no place in this Republican party...for such hawkers of hate, such purveyors of prejudice, such fabricators of fear. [Crowd boos.] Whether Communist, Ku Klux Klan, or Birchers! [Crowd boos and begins continuous cheer of "We want Barry!] There is no place in this Republican Party for those who would infiltrate its ranks, distort its aims and convert it into a cloak of apparent respectability for a dangerous extremism. And make no mistake about it, the hidden members of the John Birch Society and other like them are out to do just that."

Lovely. Not a word there about the real opponent in 1964-Lyndon Johnson, the Great Society, the impending deluge of Big Government that would swamp the country and set it on the road to fiscal disaster. No, Rockefeller’s approach was to go after conservatives and trash them. They were Nazis. Klan members. Haters."

Above Nelson Rockefeller speech and comment from following Nov. 2013 article:

11/8/2013, The Sabotage Republicans,” by Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator

"Up until now (Nov. 2013) not much has been made of the long, disgraceful trait of Establishment Republicans to demand party unity — unless they lose a primary or a convention. In which case they simply refuse to unite behind the winning conservative. And deliberately, with malice aforethought actively seek to sabotage that conservative....

There was one notable exception to this....A month after the 1976 election, Reagan made a point of breaking the traditional conservative silence on losing Establishment races and turned the tables. A political party was not a “fraternal order” he said tartly to the Times, and that was the real problem with moderate, Establishment Republicanism. Which is why they kept setting the party up for repeated defeats.

In fact, one of the real problems that moderate Republicans not only refuse to pull together. They go out of their way to sabotage the conservative.

Say it again? That word is sabotage. Betrayal. The Establishment GOP goes out…of…its…way to sabotage....

Let’s name some names here, shall we? Present and past to illustrate the point. We’ll start here with this story in Breitbart by Matthew Boyle. The headline? 

Cantor’s Ex-Chief of Staff Helped McAuliffe to Victory

The story begins thusly:

The ex-chief of staff for House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) helped Democrat Terry McAuliffe beat Republican Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia’s gubernatorial election race. 
Boyle goes on to detail how GOP House Majority Leader’s ex-chief of staff Boyd Marcus, who had supported the GOP moderate Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling over Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for governor. Cuccinelli won the day — so what to do? Why but of course! Marcus was out the door to help defeat Cuccinelli by actively working to elect Democrat Terry McAuliffe. 

Marcus is quoted as saying — and I have supplied the bold print for emphasis:

“I was looking at the candidates, and I saw Terry McAuliffe as the guy who will work with everybody to get things done…Virginia needs an experienced businessman who will put the practical needs of our people ahead of political ideology. I’ve never before supported any Democrat, but this election Terry is the clear choice for mainstream conservatives. I am excited to work with him to grow the already-long list of prominent Republican leaders who are supporting his campaign.”
Got that? Terry McAuliffe — your basic left-wing liberal, huge supporter of Obamacare, abortion on demand, high taxes and big government among other things (does the name Hillary Clinton ring a bell?) — and Boyd Marcus the Cantor/Bolling guy, plus an “already-long list of prominent Republicans,” see Ken Cuccinelli as the ideologue. And these guys are, they say, the “mainstream conservatives.”

Scratch a “mainstream conservative” on Eric Cantor’s staff, apparently, and what you really have is a left-wing liberal.

Is there any wonder why the GOP House Leadership has had so many problems dealing with conservative members? Clearly there is reason to believe the Leader’s staff of the supposedly conservative party isn’t even close to being “mainstream conservative.” In the case of Marcus, he has vividly illustrated that in fact he was all too willing to go over the side to a far-left ideology.

Marcus isn’t alone in the Sabotage Republican category. In fact, he is merely typical of the breed....

What, pray tell, was going on with Reince Priebus and the Republican National Committee?

With the Chamber of Commerce? Here’s this from Politico:

McAuliffe outraised Cuccinelli by almost $15 million, and he used the cash advantage to pummel him on the airwaves. A lack of resources forced the Republican to go dark in the D.C. media market during the final two weeks. The Republican National Committee spent about $3 million on Virginia this year, compared to $9 million in the 2009 governor’s race. The Chamber of Commerce spent $1 million boosting McDonnell in 2009 and none this time. “If the Republicans would have rallied around the nominee instead of refusing to support Cuccinelli, he would have won,” said a GOP source involved in the race.
Then there is Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and the Republican Governors Association deciding to take their money and, instead of giving directly to Cuccinelli, going off on their own to do commercials talking about… China. That’s right…not Obamacare, but China.

Here’s Matt Lewis on this over at the Daily Caller:

“Bobby Jindal’s presidential campaign is over,” said the Cuccinelli advisor. “He screwed this up so bad. And I don’t know why. The campaign knew it was moving numbers over ObamaCare. And the RGA was not very far from that information, they could have obtained it themselves,” the advisor continued. “They should have given the money to the campaign to spend as opposed to running these stupid China ads. They just blew it.” 
About the only thing one can say for Jindal is that this was political incompetence as opposed to political sabotage.
And who will forget Chris Christie? Last year, as the key moment of the presidential campaign arrived along with Hurricane Sandy, Christie went out of his way to put his arm around Romney opponent President Obama. 
This year (2013)...cruising to a 60% percent victory and asked to spare a few hours for Cuccinelli, Christie refused. Once again, it was all about Christie. And this is the guy who is supposed to be the new leader of the party?
The fact here is that sabotaging conservatives is built into the DNA of the GOP Establishment. Unable to win themselves a considerable bit of the time — and then continuing to move the country left when they do win, just not as fast and so much better managed don’t you know — they have never ever changed....

With the conservative base in open rebellion in the 2016 primaries, awarding the nomination to, say, Texas Senator Ted Cruz? You can bet that America will be treated to yet another knee-jerk, reflexive response from the quarters of the GOP Establishment. 
The GOP Establishment will find a way — quietly or not so quietly — to sabotage the conservative nominee if there is a conservative nominee in 2016. This is what they do....

The Republican Party has two serious problems on its hands.
The first is with those like Eric Cantor’s ex-chief of staff who are invited into leadership positions in the party — when they in fact are not conservatives at all and quietly or openly seek to sabotage the party.
The second is with those Establishment Republicans who do manage to win — and then see their job as merely managing the leftist status quo. 
This time around the target was Ken Cuccinelli. But Ken Cuccinelli wasn’t the first — and he isn’t going to be the last.

That is the Republican Party’s real problem. And it’s a big one."



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