Friday, January 29, 2016

Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch tweets about "Donald getting all attention" in past debates. Murdoch ran 2 of the prior debates, so if 'Donald' got 'all attention,' Murdoch and his staff are biased and incompetent. Murdoch should apologize to the RNC and resign

1/28/16, Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch tweets about ""Donald getting all attention" in prior debates, two of which, August 2015 and Nov. 2015, he (Fox News) ran:

Assuming "Donald" got "all attention" in prior debates, whose fault is it? Murdoch in effect admits he and his staff are biased and incompetent. Then he writes Republican debate participants should "aim for Independents." What does that mean? Why suggest it during an event the rights for which were awarded by the Republican Party? At a time when "the largest party in America now is no party?"   

1/28/16. Twitter from Fox News owner, Rupert Murdoch, says "Donald" has been "getting all attention." The tweet is mentioned in 1/28/16 NY Times article: "G.O.P. Debate Stars the Ghost of Donald Trump," NY Times, Frank Bruni, opinion, Des Moines, Iowa

From NY Times: Trump is "the Republican campaign’s great and sobering lesson to the country, telling us things about its discontents that we didn’t properly understand. He’s the campaign’s undeniable force of gravity, exerting a pull on everyone and everything around him."...
Added: The rise of independent and unaffiliated voters renders Republican and Democrat parties anachronistic:

1/28/16, "At start of campaign, the last gasp of political parties?" McClatchy, David Lightman

"The largest party in America now is no party — with the ranks of people calling themselves independents at the highest level in more than 75 years of polling. The parties do not control the message. People learn about politics from social media instead of traditional means such as mailings or campaign rallies. And the parties are no longer the sole banker of politics. Big-money interests now effectively create shadow parties with extensive networks of donors of their own."...


1/26/16, Trump rally in Iowa City, Iowa: "Audience members wait for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to pass during a campaign event at the University of Iowa Field House, in Iowa City, Iowa, on Jan. 26, 2016." Photo from 1/28/16 McClatchy article.


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