Thursday, December 10, 2015

Trump more than double nearest GOP competitor in latest CBS News NY Times national poll, Dec. 4-8, 2015. Majority of GOP primary voters who chose Trump say decision is firm-NY Times


12/4-8, 2015 poll dates, 431 Registered GOP primary voters, telephone poll, 6% error margin

12/10/15, "Donald Trump Solidifies His Lead, but Leaves Many Nervous," NY Times Upshot, Megan Thee-Brenan

"Donald J. Trump occupies his strongest position yet in the race for the Republican presidential nomination....

The poll was taken largely before his statement on Monday afternoon proposing to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the United States....

Mr. Trump commands the support of 35 percent of Republican primary voters, leading his closest competitors, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas (16 percent) and Ben Carson (13 percent) by a more than 2-to-1 margin. While Mr. Carson’s support was cut in half since the last time The Times and CBS News polled on the race in late October, Mr. Cruz has quadrupled his share. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida’s support stands at 9 percent, with the rest of the candidates at 4 percent or less.

Enthusiasm for and attention to the campaign are higher among Republican primary voters than among their Democratic counterparts....Majorities of Trump and Clinton supporters say their decision is firm.... 

The nationwide telephone poll was conducted Dec. 4-8 with 1,053 registered voters, including 431 Republican primary voters and 384 Democratic primary voters. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 4 percentage points for registered voters and plus or minus 6 percentage points each for Republican and Democratic primary voters.

The rest of the poll results will be released tonight at 6:30 p.m.

"Megan Thee-Brenan is a member of The Times’s news surveys department. This is one of an occasional series of posts taking a deeper look at polling during this campaign cycle."

Image above from MSNBC via: 12/10/15, "Thank you for your support of our next President of the United States of America, ! Dan Scavino twitter 


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