Trump 26.0
Cruz 12.4
Rubio 12.4
Christie 10.8
Bush 9.8
Kasich 7.5
Fiorina 6.1
Carson 4.9
Paul 2.9
Graham .4
Pataki .3
Santorum .3
Huckabee .2
430 likely New Hampshire Republican voters, 35.7 Registered Independents and 64.3 Registered Republicans. Land lines and cellphones, 4.7% error margin
12/18/15, "Donald
Trump holds the frontrunner position in New Hampshire, but other
outsiders drift as Chris Christie, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio gain
momentum," R. Kelly Myers, Marlin Fitzwater Fellow, Franklin Pierce University
"Seventy-one percent of voters who would vote for Trump said it was a firm choice, suggesting that his support may be the most solid among the Republican candidates."...By comparison, overall only 45% of likely New Hampshire Republican primary voters describe their vote choice as firm. (p. 4)...
"The results outlined in this report are based on a survey conducted by RKM Research and Communications on behalf of Franklin Pierce University and the Boston Herald. All interviews were conducted by paid, trained and professionally supervised interviewers. The survey is based on a probabilistic sample 430 likely Republican presidential primary voters in New Hampshire. Interviews were conducted by landline and cellular telephone, December 13-17, 2015. The sampling margin of error is +/-4.7 percent."...
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