Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Trump at 33 in North Carolina, double nearest in Republican field, beats Clinton 47-43, latest Public Policy Polling Dec. 5-7, 2015

Trump 33
Cruz 16
Carson 14
Rubio 14
Bush 5
Christie 4
Kasich 3
Fiorina 2
Huckabee 2
Paul 2

Poll dates, 12/5-12/7/15, 537 Republican primary voters, 4.2 error margin. 80% telephone, 20% internet

12/8/15, "Trump Getting Stronger in NC; Islamophobia Helps Fuel That Strength," Public Policy Polling, Tom Jensen

"PPP's new North Carolina poll finds Donald Trump at his highest level of support in the state yet. He's at 33% to 16% for Ted Cruz, 14% each for Ben Carson and Marco Rubio, 5% for Jeb Bush, 4% for Chris Christie, 3% for John Kasich, 2% each for Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, and Rand Paul, 1% each for Lindsey Graham and Rick Santorum....

When Trump led in our July North Carolina poll it was the first poll to find him leading the GOP pack anywhere in the country. Since then he's increased his support in every poll- from that 16% starting point in July he went to 24% in August, 26% in September, 31% in October, and now this 33% standing in September....

It’s hard to imagine Donald Trump’s newest round of comments about Muslims hurting him, at least in a state with a Republican electorate as conservative as North Carolina’s,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling."...

In match up against Hillary Clinton, Trump wins 47/43.

"Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,214 voters from December 5th to 7th, including 555 Democratic primary voters and 537 Republican primary voters. The margin of error for the overall survey is +/-2.8%, for the Democratic primary voters it’s +/-4.2%, and for the Republican primary voters it’s +/-4.2%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the internet."


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