Friday, December 4, 2015

20 point lead for Trump in latest CNN ORC national poll, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2015, 'holds massive margins over other Republicans' as candidate 'most trusted to handle the economy, the federal budget, illegal immigration, and foreign policy.'-CNN

Trump 36
Cruz 16
Carson 14
Rubio 12
Christie 4
Bush 3
Fiorina 3
Huckabee 2
Kasich 2
Paul 1

Wash. Post, 12/4/15

Poll dates, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2015. 445 Registered Republicans including 278 Republicans and 167 Independents who lean Republican. Error margin 4.5. Landlines and cell phones.

12/3/15, "CNN/ORC Poll: Trump alone at the top again," CNN, Jennifer Agiesta

"The poll reflects Trump's dominance over the rest of the field on the issues voters deem most important to them. He holds massive margins over other Republicans as the candidate most trusted to handle the economy (at 55%, Trump stands 46 percentage points over his nearest competitor), the federal budget (51%, up 41 points), illegal immigration (48%, up 34 points), ISIS (46%, up 31 points) and foreign policy (30%, up 13 points)....

The CNN/ORC Poll was conducted by telephone November 27 through December 1 among a random national sample of 1,020 adults. Interviews were conducted with 930 registered voters, including 445 who are Republicans or independents who lean toward the Republican Party. For results among Republican and Republican-leaning voters, the margin of sampling error is plus or minus 4.5 percentage points."

Among total adult sample of 1020:

"This sample includes 620 interviews among landline respondents and 400 interviews among cell phone respondents."


12/4/15, "Donald Trump is polling better than ever. Here’s why." Washington Post, Philip Bump

Chart above from Washington Post


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