Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Trump at 32 leads Republican field in latest Economist YouGov national poll, Nov. 5-9, 2015. Trump viewed most likely to be GOP nominee for president by double nearest competitor

Trump 32
Carson 18
Rubio 13
Cruz 10
Huckabee 4
Paul 4
Kasich 4
Bush 3
Fiorina 3
Christie 3
Jindal 2
Gilmore 1
Graham 1
Santorum 1

Poll dates Nov. 5-9, 2015. Error margin 3.1 on total sample of 2000. Above results from question 33, page 37. Asked of 446 registered voters who identify as Republican. Online poll.


Most likely to be Republican nominee in 2016? Asked of registered voters who described themselves as Republican, question 39, page 46.

Trump 28
Carson 14
Rubio 10
Bush 9
Cruz 3 


11/10/15, "Trump, Carson continue to lead GOP field; Jeb Bush dips to 3% support," Kathy Frankovic, today.yougov.com

"The latest Economist/YouGov poll indicates Jeb Bush may have fallen out of the Republican top tier."

"When it comes to immigration, Republicans have no problem choosing a candidate who would best handle that issue: 49% name Trump. Marco Rubio is the only other candidate who achieves double digits. Jeb Bush, who has taken an opposing view to Trump on immigration, is chosen by just 5%....This debate is deigned to focus on economic and business issues: among Republicans, 21% say the economy is their most important issue. Terrorism, named by 15%, is in second place for Republicans, followed closely by Social Security. Immigration and health care are each named by 8% of Republicans....
The poll shows a marked decline for the man once thought of as the party’s most likely nominee, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Only 3% of Republicans give Bush their support. Two weeks ago, 8% named Bush as their choice. Bush’s support today puts him at about the same level nationally as two men, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee, who will not even appear in the 8-person prime time Fox Business Channel debate tonight."...images from YouGov

p. 146, "Sponsorship: The Economist"

"Sampling method" 

"Respondents were selected from YouGov’s opt-in Internet panel using sample matching. A random sample (stratified by age, gender, race, education, and region) was selected from the 2010 American Community Study. Voter registration was imputed from the November 2010 Current Population Survey Registration and Voting Supplement. Religion, political interest, minor party identification, and non-placement on an ideology scale, were imputed from the 2008 Pew Religion in American Life Survey." 


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