Saturday, November 28, 2015

Reduced to begging for GOP VP slot, Karl Rove suggests former Indiana Gov. and current Trilateral Commission member, Mitch Daniels. In 2011 they even tried to sell Daniels as a Tea Party candidate. In May 2011 Daniels said he 'probably' couldn't debate Obama on foreign policy

On Nov. 25, 2015, Karl Rove suggests fellow Rockefeller Republican Mitch Daniels as a perfect VP for the 2016 Republican ticket, that it would be "good to have somebody from the Midwest." Rove didn't mention Daniels is a member of the David Rockefeller group the Trilateral Commission nor why it would be good to have a Trilateral member as GOP VP.

Some US Trilateral Commission members as of Nov. 2015:

Mitch Daniels, former Indiana Governor, now president of Purdue University.

Michael Bloomberg, former NY Mayor

David Brooks, NY Times columnist

David Gergen, CNN Sr. political analyst (Trilateral Exec. Committee

Henry A. Kissinger

Gerald Seib, Wall St. Journal columnist

Michael Chertoff, As Bush DHS chief, said Americans who didn't want open borders "prefer illegal immigrants be killed."

Olympia Snowe, former US Senator 

Austan Goolsbee, former Obama admin. economic advisor
Jamie Gorelick-former Fannie Mae official, former Clinton admin. official, member of 911 Commission
Jane Harman, former US Rep. from Calif., former Carter admin. official (Trilateral. Exec. Committee)   

Adm. Mike Mullen, Bush #2 and Obama admins., Former Chmn. of Joint Chiefs of Staff, ret. 

Peter Orszag, Clinton and Obama admin. official  

Eric Schmidt, Exec. Chairman, google

(Membership in The Trilateral Commission is by invitation only (item VII).)


They tried to sell Mitch Daniels as a Tea Party candidate in 2011:

In 2011, GOP E Dick Armey said Mitch Daniels would be a 'perfect' candidate for 2012 for Tea Party: "Tea Party's Armey on 2012: Daniels would be ''perfect pick for us':" 

(The same Dick Armey expressed disappointment that Establishment crony Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) had opted not to run for president in 2012.)

4/29/2011, "Tea Party's Armey on 2012: Daniels would be 'perfect pick for us'," The Hill, Michael O'Brien

"Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) would be the "perfect pick" for the Republican presidential nominee in 2012, said Tea Party figurehead and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas). 

Armey, in a video posted Friday to the website of the conservative magazine Newsmax, effused praise for Daniels and expressed a preference for one of the other former governors expected to join the race as a possible alternative.

"I think Mitch Daniels would be the perfect pick for us; he's exactly the man with the proven record that we're looking for," Armey said. "He has no need for sensation, but he knows how to get focused on the work and get it done."

If not Daniels, Armey said, one of the other governors should get the nod. 

Armey expressed disappointment that Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) passed on a run this week....

"I do think we have to look to the governors," he said....

Armey could be an influential voice during the campaign for the Tea Party; his organization, FreedomWorks, has served as one of the largest organizational resources for a number of Tea Party groups."...


In Feb. 2011 Daniels in about as many words said GOP needs low information voters:

At Feb. 2011 CPAC, Mitch Daniels said "we" need people who don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, who "surf past C-SPAN to get to SportsCenter.’"...  

Mitch Daniels said radio talk show listeners, "aren’t going to make the GOP a success in 2012....We will need people who never tune in to Rush or Glenn or Laura or Sean, who surf past C-SPAN to get to SportsCenter.’"...  


In May 2011, Mitch Daniels admits he himself is a low information person:

In May 2011, Mitch Daniels says he's "probably not" ready to debate Obama on foreign policy:

5/3/2011, "Gov. Daniels on the verge," National Review, Ramesh Ponnuru

Indiana governor Mitch Daniels met with a group of journalists assembled by Bloomberg View in New York City today. Here’s what I picked up from the meeting:

His conservatism is not combative....

His foreign-policy details are TBD....He
was asked if he were ready to debate President Obama on foreign policy.

Probably not.
(He is candid.)"...


5/5/2011, "Republican Candidates Can't Debate Obama on Foreign Policy?"

"Now, folks, all of these articles, it's amazing how this works, and the lead article today AP, all these articles that we're now seeing about how the Bin Laden mission has made it impossible for any Republican candidate to ever match Obama's foreign policy achievements, never mind that before being elected president, Obama had zero experience in foreign policy, for that matter, in anything else. Even as a United States Senator, Obama never showed the slightest interest in foreign policy, apart from endlessly attacking all of the Bush foreign policies that he now embraces....And then Mitch Daniels is out there saying that he's probably not ready to debate Obama on foreign policy?... His foreign policy's a disaster. His foreign policy's been an unmitigated disaster, from Iran, to North Korea, to Libya. Where he's done well it's only because he's following Bush's foreign policies to the letter.
Folks, we know that we've got challenges on our side in the Republican Party, but we do not need to be running around and saying, "Okay, we like Mitch Daniels cause his conservatism isn't combative." Mitch Daniels pipes up and says, "I'm not ready to debate Obama in foreign policy." What? Why do we shoot ourselves in the foot? Why do we let these people set the premise and then we react?"...


The Trilateral Commission's founding in 1973 was based on "a sense that the United States was no longer in such a singular leadership position."

"About the Trilateral Commission,"

"When the first triennium of the Trilateral Commission was launched in 1973, the most immediate purpose was to draw together...the highest-level unofficial group possible to look together at the key common problems facing our three areas. At a deeper level, there was a sense that the United States was no longer in such a singular leadership position as it had been in earlier post-World War II years, and that a more shared form of leadership—including Europe and Japan in particular—would be needed for the international system to navigate successfully the major challenges of the coming years. 
"The “growing interdependence” that so impressed the founders of the Trilateral Commission in the early 1970s
has deepened into "globalization.""...

The group is funded by donations from foundations, corporations, and individual members.

Trilateral Members in the News

David Rockefeller remains Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission.



Karl Rove is reduced to pleading for VP representation for all but extinct Rockefeller Republicans:

11/25/15, "Karl Rove: Mitch Daniels Would Be Great VP," NewsMax, Bill Hoffmann
"Influential GOP consultant and policy adviser Karl Rove says former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels would be the perfect running mate for whoever wins the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.

And at the very least, Rove adds in an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, the GOP's vice presidential pick should be a Midwesterner to maximize the Republican ticket's drawing power.

"It would be good to have somebody from the Midwest. I've got an out-of-the-box idea for you, how about the former governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels," Rove said Wednesday on "Newsmax Prime" with J.D. Hayworth.

"[He's] done an exemplary job serving in the Reagan administration, serving in the Bush administration, serving as an eight-year very successful governor of a Midwestern state.

"And is now taking a strong role in reforming our education as the president of Purdue University. Anybody would be well-advised to look at him as a VP running mate."

Daniels, 66, served as governor of Indiana from 2005 to 2013. He considered a 2012 presidential run, but bowed out early citing family and personal concerns. His name was also briefly voted as a potential presidential candidate this year.

Nicknamed "The Blade" by President George W. Bush when he was director of Office of Management and Budget from 2001 to 2003, Daniels also was also a member of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

While Rove likes Daniels, he said he was one of many candidates qualified to back up the next commander-in-chief.

"Obviously every person who's running for president gets to be seriously considered, but I'm giving you the out-of-box idea here as a Thanksgiving eve present," Rove said."



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