Monday, November 30, 2015

25% of all US ISIS recruitment comes from Minneapolis, Minnesota, many former refugees. Two dozen have joined Al Shabab in Somalia since 2007-CBS News

11/30/15, "U.S. Refugees and Terrorism – Minneapolis Edition…," sundance, The Conservative Treehouse

"The current discussion about potential refugees and associations with terrorism provides a backdrop for an article via CBS showing that 25% of all American ISIS recruitment comes from refugees who were placed in Minneapolis Minnesota.

"MINNEAPOLIS Via CBS — A new report by Congress says more than 250 Americans have attempted to join ISIS, and one in four of them is from Minnesota, many of them former refugees. 

[…] Currently, five Somali men from Minnesota accused of trying to join terror group ISIS are awaiting trial.  There are at least 15 other cases being investigated." (read more)

Back in 2014 we shared the story of Abdirahmaan Muhumed who was one of those Somali U.S. refugees who left the U.S. to join ISIS and was killed in Syria. So it comes as no surprise to see the latest CBS report.

However, the absurd discussion of un-vetted Syrian refugees, and the potential terror risk, also comes only two months after discovery of a federal program to actually pay U.S. Muslim immigrants/refugees not to begin waging Jihad.
[…] Already, the CVE pilot program has been re-branded with a new name, Building Community Resilience. Luger’s office says it captures the essence of his vision: to keep teens from Minnesota from traveling to the Middle East and blowing themselves up.
Luger says it will do so by providing $216,000 in federal funds – in addition to other local and private support – which will be disbursed to community groups through a grant-making organization. The social services supported by the funding serve as crime prevention, he contends.  (read more)
So it would appear the Counter Violent Extremism program, paying U.S. refugees not to wage jihad, *cough* “Crime Prevention” *cough*, is not quite as effective as the administration would prefer. Go figure."...


11/19/15, "Minneapolis community struggles with ISIS recruiting tactics,", Jamie Yuccas

"A new report by Congress says more than 250 Americans have attempted to join ISIS, and one in four of them is from Minnesota, many of them former refugees.

Minneapolis might seem a long way from the wars in the Middle East and North Africa. But extremist groups have found the city to be fertile ground for recruits.

Dahir Ali is exactly who terrorist groups like ISIS are looking to recruit -- the 18-year-old is young, Muslim and often feels like an outsider..

He grew up in the Cedar Riverside community in Minneapolis, which has the largest Somali population in the country. Many came as refugees in the 1990s. The unemployment rate here is 21 percent, three times the state average. And an alarming number of young Somali men from this neighborhood have left to join extremist groups. Since 2007, two dozen have joined AL-Shabab in Somalia."


US Rep. Cuellar says flood of Syrian refugees has already begun, US taxpayers have no choice but to finance them and many others:

11/30/15, "Cuellar: Syrians Already Entering the U.S., Plan Needed Now,"

"Border Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo) says as the U.S. debates the fate of Syrian refugees, the refugees are coming and will continue to arrive on our southern border, and rather than debate, the country needs to start deciding how to handle the coming flood of desperate people from the Middle East, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

"They are going to try to short circuit that wait of 18 to 24 months," Cuellar told News Radio 1200 WOAI in an exclusive interview. "They will come in here, make their claim, and if there is nothing to hold them, they will be released."

Two groups of Syrians, mainly families, have already done that, arriving in the U.S. in the Laredo area and then immediately presenting themselves to Border Patrol officers, surrendering, and asking for political asylum.

The standard operating procedure right now is to place them into the family detention centers in Dilley or Karnes City, but many are released on bonds or on ankle monitors after a few months in the facilities. And Cuellar points out that once they are released, the demands of governor like Gov. Abbott that they not be housed in Texas are meaningless. They have the right to settle whenever in the U.S. they want, as long as they present themselves for immigration hearings, which could be set for several years in the future.

 Cuellar says that has the effect of scrapping all of the talk of a lengthy wait and 'vetting period' for people seeking refugee status.

His suggestion, working together with Mexico to make it harder for refugees, many of whom enter the Americas in Central America, to make it to the U.S.

“Mexico stopped 174,00 people last year that were coming into the U.S, and they did it only with $80 million,” he said.

The Middle Eastern refugees are joining a flood of individuals from the increasingly failed states of Central America who are trying to get into the U.S. The Border Patrol reported a spike in unaccompanied minors and families from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras entering the U.S. in September and October by using the same method...surrendering to the Border Patrol and requesting political asylum.

Add to that huge numbers of Cubans who are afraid that the new relationship between Havana and Washington will scrap their traditional right to political asylum in the U.S. and the rush of Middle Eastern refugees fleeing war at home, and Cuellar says the U.S. needs to stop arguing possibilities, and start taking action to deal with the flood of immigrants who are on the way.


Comment: Under the guise of tolerance and compassion, US taxpayers agree with the US political class that they must fund their own genocide.


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