Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Trump continues to lead nationally and in every Republican subgroup, Public Policy Poll Oct. 1-4, 2015, 627 Republican primary voters

Trump 27
Carson 17
Rubio 13
Bush 10
Cruz 7
Fiorina 6
Huckabee 4
Kasich 4
Christie 2
Paul 2
Santorum 2 

10/1-10/4/15, 627 Republican primary voters, 3.9% margin of error

10/6/15, "Trump holding steady nationally; Rubio biggest gainer," Public Policy Polling, Tom Jensen

"PPP's newest national Republican poll actually finds the top of the field in a pretty similar place to where it was in late August. Donald Trump leads the field with 27%, similar to the 29% he had on our last survey. Ben Carson is in second place with 17%, also similar to the 15% he had last time around. Marco Rubio at 13%, Jeb Bush at 10%, Ted Cruz at 7%, Carly Fiorina at 6%, and Mike Huckabee and John Kasich each at 4% round out the list of candidates with decent levels of support. Chris Christie, Rand Paul, and Rick Santorum are all at 2%, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, and George Pataki each get 1%, and in last place with less than 1% is Jim Gilmore.

Trump continues to lead with every subgroup of the GOP electorate. He's at 29% with voters most concerned about electability, and 29% with voters most concerned about having a candidate who's sufficiently conservative. He's at 35% with Tea Party voters, and 27% with non-Tea Party voters. He's at 25% with Evangelicals, and 29% with non-Evangelicals. He's at 29% with moderates, 27% with 'somewhat conservative' voters, and 26% with 'very conservative' ones. He's at 31% with men, and 23% with women. And he's at 32% with young voters and 26%with seniors....
Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,338 registered voters between October 1st and 4th, including 627 Republican primary voters. The margin of error for the overall survey is +/-2.7%, and for the Republican portion it’s +/-3.9%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the internet."


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