11/22/2010, "US corn ethanol "was not a good policy-Gore," Reuters. Al Gore: ""First generation ethanol I think was a mistake....It's hard once such a programme is put in place to deal with the lobbies that keep it going....One of the reasons I made that mistake is that...I had a certain fondness for the farmers in the state of Iowa because I was about to run for president.""...
11/12/2013, "A timeline of recent ethanol events,"
By The Associated Press
"August 2005 — President George W. Bush signs the Energy Policy
Act of 2005, requiring oil companies to add ethanol to their gasoline.
Called the Renewable Fuels Standard, this mandate begins with a
4-billion-gallon requirement in 2006 and doubles by 2012. Corn is
selling for $1.95 a bushel.
January 2007 — In his State of the
Union speech, President Bush calls on Congress to require production of
35 billion gallons of renewable and alternative fuels in 2017. It would
effectively be a huge increase in the ethanol mandate. Corn is selling
for $3.05 a bushel.
February 2007 — Barack Obama, the junior
senator from Illinois, the nation's No. 2 corn-producing state, declares
his candidacy for president. In his speech he hails "homegrown,
alternative fuels like ethanol." Obama is a strong supporter of passing a
new, higher Renewable Fuels Standard.
December 2007 — Congress
passes the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Bush signs it
into law. It expands the renewable fuels standard to require 36 billion
gallons of ethanol and other fuels to be blended into gasoline, diesel
and jet fuel by 2022. Corn ethanol production would max out at 15
billion gallons in 2015. Corn is selling for $3.77.
January 2008 —
A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences predicts
that the ethanol mandate will increase nitrogen pollution in rivers,
worsening the Gulf of Mexico's dead zone, which cannot support sea life.
2008 — A study in the journal Science warns that if U.S. biofuel policy
encourages farmers to plow into untouched grassland or farmland that
has been set aside for conservation, it will undermine efforts to reduce
greenhouse gases. That's because plowing into grassland releases carbon
dioxide. The Department of Energy responds that the new fuel standard
can be met without plowing into any conservation land.
2008 — The
amount of farmland set aside for conservation suddenly decreases. About
34 million acres are enrolled in the government's voluntary Conservation
Reserve Program, a drop of about 2 million from 2007.
May 2009 —
President Obama's EPA takes the first steps toward implementing the new
ethanol mandate. Government experts conclude that corn ethanol is, on
average, 16 percent better than gasoline when it comes to greenhouse gas
emissions. The law requires that new ethanol plants be 20 percent
2009 — Enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program falls again, this time by nearly 1 million acres.
2010 — After lobbying from the agriculture industry, EPA publishes its
final rule on the new ethanol mandate. The new analysis shows ethanol is
21 percent better than gasoline, slightly better than required by law.
As part of the analysis, the government assumes corn prices will rise
only slightly, to $3.59 a bushel, by 2022.
August 2010 — Corn sells for $3.65, already eclipsing the government's long-term price estimate.
— For the first time on record, ethanol is the No. 1 use for American
corn, eclipsing livestock feed. Some 2.4 million more acres disappear
from the Conservation Reserve Program.
February 2011 — Corn sells for $5.65 a bushel.
— Farmland acreage set aside for conservation continues to fall, this
time by 173,000 acres. About 4.8 million acres have been lost since
January 2012 — A 30-year-old federal subsidy for ethanol
expires, along with a tariff on imported ethanol. Ethanol blenders were
getting a tax credit of 45 cents per gallon. Corn sells for $6.07.
2012 — Another 1.5 million acres of conservation land disappears, bringing the total to more than 6 million since 2006.
2013 — A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences uses satellite data to show that rising corn prices have
encouraged farmers to convert grassland to cropland, which releases
carbon dioxide into the air. The Renewable Fuel Association responds
that "the extremely high rate of error associated with the satellite
imagery" makes the study's results "highly questionable and irrelevant
to the biofuels policy debate." Corn sells for $7.13.
May 2013 —
Des Moines Water Works in Iowa reports historic levels of nitrates in
the drinking-water supply, blames agricultural fertilizer.
2013 — The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announces the
size of the Gulf of Mexico dead zone has increased. Larry McKinney,
executive director of the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico
Studies at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, blames ethanol
August 2013 — EPA finalizes renewable fuel standard
for 2013, requiring 16.55 billion gallons of biofuels, mostly ethanol,
to be consumed in U.S. this year. Corn sells for $6.21."
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