Thursday, October 1, 2015

3500-4000 at Trump rally in Keene, New Hampshire, Wed., Sept. 30, 2015

"A big crowd-the event in Keene topped 4000."
10/1/15, "Donald Trump talks up his tax plan to packed house in Keene," WMUR, Kristen Carosa, Keene, NH

Above images from WMUR video, 9/30/15

"Republican presidential candidate holds rally at Keene High School"

"Trump’s campaign anticipated a sellout crowd and said they drew more than 3,500 people.

The main rally was in the Keene High School gym, but because of the size of the crowd, there was a group of people in the auditorium.

Trump spoke to both crowds, giving everyone a chance to hear his message.

He walked into the packed gym to a standing ovation and roaring applause. He said the crowds just keep growing.

“We had 20,000 people in Oklahoma on Friday – 20,000 people,” he said.

Trump said his message is resonating with people. He started his speech by citing results of a new Suffolk University poll.

“We are doing great. We are up by 10 points over everybody else,” Trump said.

He spoke at length about his tax plan, which some conservatives said would add more than $10 trillion to the country’s deficit.

“We came up with a really great tax plan that has been praised and in some cases not. They say it’s too big,” Trump said.

He said his plan would help businesses, create jobs and help the middle class.

“The plan would provide major tax relief for middle income and most other Americans, major tax relief. It will totally simplify the tax code. We will grow the American economy,” Trump said.

He did not take questions at the rally. It was his only event of the day in New Hampshire. Trump said he will be back in the state in a week."



10/1/15, "In Keene, Trump Talks Up Tax Plan, Promises To Deport Syrian Refugees," nhpr, Josh Rogers

"Donald Trump was back in New Hampshire Wednesday for a rally at Keene High School....

Certain things are pretty much guaranteed at a Donald Trump rally these days: a big crowd - the event in Keene topped 4000 - and lots of self-praise, including about the crowd.

“Nobody has crowds like us, nobody, including  Bernie, who does pretty well.”"...



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