Sept. 2015 article
9/4/2015, "Why Did Oil-Rich Arab Countries Abandon Muslim Refugees?" Frontpage Mag, Nonie Darwish
"Western media is reporting on the Muslim refugee crisis as a
humanitarian problem that the West must deal with. But where are the
media’s questions about the huge financial and land resources available
to oil rich Arab and Muslim countries? Where are the Islamic solutions
in this equation?
The world is often lectured to about the
urgency of respecting Arab and Islamic brotherly love, but where is the
Arab action to rescue fellow Muslims and Arabs from the claws of ISIS?
Where are Arab feminists, especially those who demonstrated against
France for banning the hijab? They are silent and doing nothing to
rescue thousands of women that are victims of Islamic jihadist rape and
enslavement. The only compassionate women helping women in the Middle
East are the Christian mother Teresas and Kayla Muellers of the western
Where are the mighty Arab armies who waged dozens of
wars against Israel? Why aren’t they fighting ISIS and building tent
cities in the vast deserts of Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the wealthy Gulf
States? They are all claiming they are “moderate” Muslims and that they
are against ISIS. But is one substantive thing they have done?
Where are the thousands of Islamic human rights groups operating in the
West, the likes of CAIR and ISNA, who are dedicating their energy and
millions of dollars to stop discrimination against Muslims and
“Islamophobia” in the West? This is the same West that their refugees
are escaping to.
Where is the wealthy Arab League to coordinate
safe cities on Arab land that extends from Morocco to Iraq and from
Northern Syria to Sudan?...
Below are some
of the reasons why Muslim countries...rely on the West to rescue victims of
Islamic jihad:
Muslim countries know that the West will take care of their
mistakes so they don’t have to avoid the negative consequences of their
Western countries quickly come to the rescue, open their wallets and land to prove to the world that they are not Islamophobes.
Arab countries lack compassion and action to rescue each other despite
the rhetoric of Arab/Islamic unity. Saudi Arabia and Gulf nations never
open their borders to poor Muslims in distress. Even Egypt rejected the
Darfur refugees who were later forced to go to Israel, which took them.
Oil rich Arab countries make it very difficult for other Arabs to visit
except for haj. They are very tribal and refuse to dilute their culture
with influx of foreigners. Third world country workers are treated
inhumanely and are rarely given permanent residency, citizenship or
equal rights.
Arabs would rather spend their petrodollars on expanding their influence
in the West rather than making life better for their own citizens or
supporting other Muslim nations who are financially less fortunate.
Islamic groups believe that refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan
will spread Sharia in Europe, which is the main goal of jihad.
By clearing the area from the opposition and citizens who are not
contributing to the empowerment of ISIS, clears the way for ISIS to
expand beyond Syria and Iraq. Europe and America are absorbing the
opposition to ISIS, so why stand in the way?
Life and saving lives and avoiding human tragedy are not more important than jihad in Arab culture.
I hope the West will think twice before accepting the thousands of Muslim refugees from the Middle East." image via Frontpage
Globalists' war against humanity is to ensure endless cheap labor by erasing nation states: Jan. 2015 article:
1/7/2015, "The European Civil War: Elites vs People in a Fight for Survival," Gerald Warner, Breitbart London
"Europe is in a state of war: specifically, a civil war between the
self-appointed elites who have destroyed much of the continent’s
freedom, culture and prosperity and the insurgent populations they have
deceived and enslaved. This is a war to the death; only one side can
survive the outcome. Try, as they say in the modern argot, to get your head round this.
The people of Germany, like those of many other European countries, are
feeling increasingly desperate about the imposition upon them of mass
immigration – an inflow that is unending and which is largely composed
of Muslims who are hostile to Christianity and the indigenous culture.
Well, you might think, that is a serious situation; but fortunately
Germany is a representative democracy and when citizens make their
concerns known to their representatives, the government will surely take
steps to help them. Not so. German Chancellor Angela Merkel used her New Year's Eve address to vilify her fellow citizens in the Pegida
movement who are protesting against the Islamisation of the West.
According to their chancellor, these people who simply wish to live
in a country that is recognisably Germany “have prejudice, coldness,
even hatred in their hearts”. Yet the number of asylum seekers in
Germany rose to 200,000 in the past year – quadruple the figure for 2012
– and immigration reached a 20-year high. There are similar situations
across Europe.
But the governments of Germany, Britain and other EU states are not
simply behaving incompetently and allowing their populations to be
overrun through their ineptness. On the contrary, they are actively
promoting the destruction of their own societies, in the interests of
globalisation and the elimination of national identities and cultures.
Merkel has mobilised all the forces at her disposal in an attempt to
suppress the incipient rebellion against liberal totalitarianism. All
the usual suspects have rallied to the regime: the state broadcaster,
Germany’s legacy parties, the financial establishment, the churches…The
Catholic Church, whose adherents are the victims of mass murder in
Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Nigeria and every other country where jihadism is
running rampant, switched off the lights of Cologne Cathedral to obscure
the Pegida marchers who are trying to prevent a further influx of
Muslims into Europe....
Naturally, Rentamob has organised counter-demonstrations, the ones
that will be given prominence by the BBC. Violent leftists are trying to
prevent the Pegida marches from spreading beyond Dresden to the rest of
Germany, where polls show one German in three would like to join them.
It is the Marxist and Anarchist thugs’ responsibility to prevent that,
at all costs, by intimidation.
The establishment will try to laugh off the notion that such
disparate elements as politicians, bankers and far leftists could be
engaged in a joint enterprise – a crazed conspiracy theory, surely?
Consider, then, the remarks made by Peter Sutherland, the “Father of
Globalisation”, Bilderberg organiser and uber-Europhile to a House of
Lords committee in 2012.
Migration, the Well-Lunched One declared, was a “crucial dynamic for
economic growth” in some EU nations “however difficult it may be to
explain this to the citizens of those states”. Declining populations in
countries like Germany was the “key argument” for “the development of
multicultural states”. He condemned Europeans “who still nurse a sense
of our homogeneity and difference from others. And that’s precisely what
the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.”
That is plain speaking. A member of the innermost elite confirms the
EU’s role as undermining homogeneity. Europe, formerly the most
civilised entity in the world, is to be subsumed into a globalised pool
of cheap labour exploited by large corporations and regulated by
bureaucrats. All distinctive culture, national identity, the
Judaeo-Christian ethic and everything that contributed so greatly to
human civilisation are to be expunged in favour of profit for the few
and state regulation for the many.
Such soft totalitarianism might seem less frightening than Nazism or
Communism, but the end product will be in every way as nightmarish. It
must be defeated. Until now, the populations of Britain, Germany and
other EU states have behaved like somnambulists, passively accepting the
projected New Order.
The one consolation is that some people, though still only a
minority, are waking up. The movements expressing their concerns –
Pegida, UKIP and others – are Davids facing the Goliath of EU
totalitarianism. The forces ranged against them are massive and endowed
with all the resources of the state and plutocracy. Yet they are the
only hope of saving the nations of Europe from cultural extinction.
Their one potential strength is popular support. Will you be with them?"
Comment: Of course we're with the Europeans. The same is happening here.
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