9/3/15, "How 'Bout a GOP Loyalty Oath to Voters?" Rush Limbaugh
"RUSH: We've got Trump, big meeting between Trump and Reince Priebus. Trump is apparently going to sign the pledge that he will support the
Republican nominee, big meeting at Trump Tower after which Trump will
have a media availability to explain what happened. Governor Christie
signed his in public today....
What is this, loyalty oaths? How about the Republican Party signing a
loyalty oath to the voters? If there needs to be a royalty oath here,
it seems to me that the Republican Party elected officials would finally
get around to signing one that they are gonna be loyal to their cause
and loyal to their voters.
Now, I'm not trying to stir things up here, but what is this? They
say this is an attempt to entrap Trump and get him to promise he won't
go third party and all that. I don't know if these people think this
looks good or they're running some kind of a scam or trick on Trump. But
as usual, they're overthinking this, because they're discombobulated."
Image from RushLimbaugh.com
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