Sunday, September 20, 2015

Trump leads by double digits in Reuters 5 day rolling averages through 9/18/15: Republicans, likely GOP primary voters, and Republicans and Independents

9/20/15, "If the Republican presidential primary came down to these candidates, whom would you vote for? (Wk. ending 9/18/15)?" Reuters, 5 day rolling avg. through 9/18/15. 3 samples: Republicans, Republicans likely to vote in GOP primary, and Republicans and Independents:

Donald Trump 37.7

Ben Carson 12.8
Jeb Bush 9.5
Huckabee 7.2
Cruz 5.1
Christie 4.9
Fiornia 4.3
Walker 3.0
Paul 2.7
Rubio 2.1 
Kasich 2.0
Santorum 1.0

Above, 557 responses from Republicans


2. Reuters 5 day rolling avg. through Sept. 18, limited to Republicans likely to vote in GOP primary, 258 responses

Donald Trump 37.0

Ben Carson 18.0
Bush 8.6
Fiorina 7.2
Cruz 5.1
Huckabee 4.4
Christie 4.2
Walker 3.3
Rubio 2.8
Santorum 2.2
Kasich 1.9
Paul 1.1


3. Reuters, 5 day rolling avg thru Sept. 18, 2015: Republicans and Independents, 785 responses:

Trump 32.7

Carson 11.6
Bush 8.2
Huckabee 6.1
Christie 4.8
Cruz 4.1
Fiorina 4.0
Walker 3.3
Paul 3.2
Jindal 2.1
Rubio 1.7
Santorum 1.5

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