Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Trump lead continues to grow per latest PPP national poll, Aug. 28-30, 2015, Fri-Sun. Trump at 29%, nearest competitor 15%-Public Policy Polling

9/1/15, "Trump Supporters Think Obama is a Muslim Born in Another Country," Public Policy Poll

"PPP's newest national poll finds Donald Trump just continuing to grow his lead over the GOP field. He is at 29% to 15% for Ben Carson, 9% for Jeb Bush, 8% for Carly Fiorina, 7% for Marco Rubio, 6% each for Ted Cruz and John Kasich, and 5% each for Mike Huckabee and Scott Walker. That group makes a pretty clear top 9."...

Donald Trump 29%
Ben Carson 15%
Jeb Bush 9
Fiorina 8
Rubio 7
Cruz 6
Kasich 6
Huckabee 5
Walker 5

"Public Policy Polling surveyed 572 usual Republican primary voters and 545 usual Democratic primary voters from August 28th to 30th. The margin of error for the Republicans is +/-4.1% and for the Democrats it’s +/-4.2%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines 
conducted the survey over the internet." 
Comment: PPP puts Obama's name in its headline though Obama isn't running in either the GOP or Democrat primary. Perhaps the company needs fantasy to assuage its pain.

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