Monday, September 21, 2015

Plurality of Florida Republican voters 'think both Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio should drop out' per latest PPP poll. Trump has wide lead among Florida GOP voters, Florida Hispanic voters prefer Trump to Bush 36-29. Bush so weak in Florida he loses 55/38 head to head v Trump-9/11-13

Poll dates Sept. 11-13, 2015

9/15/15, "Florida Down on Bush, Rubio Campaigns," Public Policy Polling

"PPP's new Florida poll finds that a plurality of voters in the state think that both Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio should drop out. Only 40% of voters in the state think Bush should keep running, compared to 47% who think he should drop out. And the numbers are similar for Rubio with just 42% believing he should continue on with his campaign to 48% who believe he should end it."...(From p. 1 of PPP press release. Also on 9th page of "Florida Survey Results.")

Following from page 1 of PPP press release, and about half way through survey pages, Q12, asked of 377 Florida Republican Primary Voters: "Given the choices...who would you most like to see as the GOP candidate for President in 2016?"

Trump 28

Carson 17
Bush 13
Rubio 10 
Cruz 9
Fiorina 7
Huckabee 3
Christie 3
Walker 3
Jindal 1
Santorum 1 

Following about Bush weakness from page 1 of PPP press release:

"Bush's position with the GOP electorate in Florida is so weak that he even trails Trump 55/38 when the two are matched up head to head....

The above chart is about 7/8 through the PPP survey and is the second of two charts on the page. The pages aren't numbered. At the bottom left of the page under the dates Sept. 11-13, it says, "survey of 377 Republican primary voters." 

Trump also beats Bush in favorability among Florida Hispanic Republican primary voters, 36% to 29%:

Rubio is slightly better:

The three charts above are about one third into the PPP survey. The pages aren't numbered. 

Trump leads across all demographic groups, page 2 of PPP press release:
"Trump continues to lead the GOP field within all the demographic groups we look at. He gets 
34% with seniors, 
30% with men, 
29% with 'somewhat conservative' voters, 
27% with 'very conservative' ones, 
27% with women, 
26% with moderates, and 
24% with younger voters."... 
"Public Policy Polling surveyed 814 voters from September 11th to 13th, including 377 Republican primary voters and 368 Democratic primary voters. The margin of error for the overall survey is+/-3.4%, for the Republican primary voters it’s +/-5.1%, and for the Democratic primary voters it’s +/-5.1%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the internet."


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