Friday, September 11, 2015

Trump Florida lead grows to 4 points per Sept. 1, 2015 poll, up 2 pts. since August. Jeb Bush loses 7 pts.-Florida Times Union, Opinion Savvy poll

9/4/15, "Poll: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump lead in Florida," Morris News Service, Savannah Now, Walter C. Jones

"Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump retain their lead in their parties’ Florida presidential primaries, but each has someone new nipping at the heels, according to a survey released Thursday.

The poll was conducted Tuesday evening [9/1/15] for Morris News Service by Opinion Savvy.

Among those registered voters who said they plan to participate in the Republican primary, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has fallen to third place, and Sen. Marco Rubio to fourth. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has leapfrogged to second, just 4 points behind real-estate developer Trump.

A similar survey also for the T-U released Aug. 7 showed Carson third. Now he’s tripled his support in the Sunshine State while Bush has fallen to third and lost 7 points.

Rubio hasn’t budged in fourth place. Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina has risen to fifth place by building her 1 percent then up to 5 percent now.

Trump’s strongest support by far comes from the youngest of voters (age 18-29). But he also seems to be strong with those aged 45-64, a potent segment of Florida GOP primary voters,said veteran pollster and Republican operative Matt Towery. “Carson has a big lead among the 30-44 age group. That’s a segment that tends to be most active with schools and community issues related to their children.

“Bush remains consistent among all age groups but has lost his earlier steam, at least for the moment.”...

Here are the results of a survey conducted Tuesday evening for the Florida Times-Union by Opinion Savvy.

Candidate (Percentage)."...

Republicans-498 respondents

Ben Carson 25 
Jeb Bush 19
Marco Rubio 6
Carly Fiorina 5 
Ted Cruz 3 
John Kasich 3 
Chris Christie 2

Mike Huckabee 2
Bobby Jindal 1
Scott Walker 1

Lindsey Graham 0

George Pataki 0
Rand Paul 0
Rick Perry 0

Rick Santorum 0

Someone else 1
Undecided 4


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