Friday, September 25, 2015

Donald Trump leads Republican field in Georgia by 13 points, likely Republican voters, 9/23/15 poll. Leads in all age groups, male and female-Rosetta Communications, WSB tv

9/25/15, "Rosetta Stone Communications," MEDIA ADVISORY,, For Immediate Release-"TRUMP LEADS IN GEORGIA," Atlanta

Donald Trump – 31%
Ben Carson – 18%
Carly Fiorina – 13%

Jeb Bush- 8% 

"The most recent Rosetta Stone survey conducted on September 23rd of likely Republican Primary voters shows strong support for Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. The survey of 600 likely Republican voters showed that Donald Trump continues to hold onto a significant lead in Georgia.

Donald Trump has struck a chord with Georgia voters,” said John Garst, President of Rosetta Stone Communications, “Trump is offering Peach State voters a traditional conservative message that other candidates are having a hard time articulating. He currently leads across the board with all age groups and both male and female voters.”

Former Governor Jeb Bush has fallen to sixth place in the Channel 2 Action News survey and currently garners only 8% of the total vote in the GOP field in Georgia. Garst said, “Jeb Bush has seen a drop in his polling numbers in Georgia, in part due to a continued and sustained attack from the Trump campaign.” 

The Georgia survey has good news for Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina – both of whom have seen a bounce in national and state surveys in recent weeks. Mike Huckabee, John Kasich and Rand Paul each received less than 5% in the survey. 

The survey of 600 likely Republican voters was conducted on Wednesday, [September] 23rd and has a margin of error of 4%."

"Media Contacts –
John Garst

Rosetta Stone Communications"


Pathetic WSB tv article about this poll:

9/25/15, "New poll shows Donald Trump still in lead in Ga., but not gaining ground," WSB, Lori Geary

"An exclusive Republican presidential poll done for Channel 2 Action News by Landmark/Rosetta Stone shows Donald Trump way ahead of the pack but not gaining new ground in Georgia."...


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