Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bad news for racialists McConnell aid Josh Holmes and NY Times pal Jonathan Martin: YouGov national poll, 28% of Hispanics and 39% Blacks support Donald Trump. Only 3% of Hispanics and 0% of Blacks support Ben Carson. 8/29-9/1/15 poll

The NY Times hasn't endorsed a Republican for president since 1956. GOP E 'leadership' apparently views this as a plus and treats the Times as a valued partner:

9/7/15, "Republicans Fear Donald Trump Is Hardening Party’s Tone on Race," NY Times, Jonathan Martin, 9/8 print ed., p A19  

"Some party leaders worry that the favorable response Mr. Trump has received from the Republican electorate is luring other candidates to adopt or echo his remarks. It is a pattern, they say, that could tarnish the party’s image among minority voters.
“Any candidate that allows Trump to dictate the conversation about what they’re campaigning on is going to be harmed irreparably,” said Josh Holmes, a Republican strategist and the architect of Senator Mitch McConnell's reelection campaign last year. “And to the extent that there are mainstream candidates dragged into the musings of Trump on a day-to-day basis is really bad news for us.”"...
Cozy: Josh Holmes is married to senior spokesperson for cheap labor lobby the US Chamber of Commerce. 11/18/2012, "Blair Latoff and Josh Holmes," NY Times
9/6/15, "Trump's lead in the Republican presidential race has continued to grow," Kathy Frankovic, today.yougov.com

p. 41, Donald Trump voters by race: 28% Hispanic, 39% Black, 36% white, 43% other
Jeb Bush voters by race: 15% Hispanic, 15% Black, 8% white, 6% other
Ben Carson voters by race: 3% Hispanic, 0% Black, 12% white, 16% other  


9/6/15, "Trump's lead in the Republican presidential race has continued to grow," Kathy Frankovic, today.yougov.com

"Trump has expanded his lead among registered voters who call themselves Republicans, and for many in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll he has become not just a credible candidate, but a possible general election winner."...
Economist/YouGov Poll, 8/28-9/1/15 (F-Tu). Asked of registered voters who identified as Republican:

p. 41: Preferred Republican nominee for president:

Trump 36
Carson 11
Bush 8
Rubio 7
Cruz 6
Walker 6
Huckabee 4
Kasich 4
Paul 4

p. 41, Trump voters by race: 28% Hispanic, 39% Black, 36% white, 43% other 

Bush voters by race: 15% Hispanic, 15% Black, 8% white, 6% other

Carson voters by race: 3% Hispanic, 0% Black, 12% white, 16% other 


p. 42, Trump approval across all 4 US regions:

Northeast 30% 
Midwest 27% 
South 43% 
West 36%


p. 42, Trump appeals across ideologies, while Bush only appeals to liberals:


Liberal 27
Moderate 9
Conservative 8



Liberal 16
Moderate 35
Conservative 36



p. 45, #39. How would you feel if your first choice was the 2016 Republican Presidential nominee?

White 81%
Black 52% 
Hispanic 87%
Other 61%


p.64, question 57, Facing the Democrat nominee, Trump:

Could possibly win: 52%


p. 153: Poll sponsored by The Economist. 2000 internet interviews, 2.8 margin of error. "Respondents were selected from YouGov’s opt-in Internet panel using sample matching. A random sample (stratified by age, gender, race, education, and region) was selected from the 2010 American Community Study. Voter registration was imputed from the November 2010 Current Population Survey Registration and Voting Supplement. Religion, political interest, minor party identification, and non-placement on an ideology scale, were imputed from the 2008 Pew Religion in American Life Survey." 


"Unaccompanied Minors," June 2014


June 2014, "Unaccompanied minor"  

6/6/2014, "Sickening Photos Of The Humanitarian Crisis At US Border Detention Centers," Business Insider, Brett LoGiurato


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