Saturday, August 15, 2015

Trump was cheered in New Hampshire when he said he'd rather build US infrastructure first before sending a US mission to Mars-MSNBC

8/14/15, "Donald Trump takes a victory lap in New Hampshire,", Kailani Koenig and Ali Vitali,

Trump’s rally at Winnacunnet High School in Hampton drew an international media following and more than 2,000 people who spilled into two separate large rooms....

Trump took his moment before the large crowds in the nation’s first primary state to boast of his unique independence from financial backers and bash a few of his Republican opponents. “Nobody attacked me like Senator Lindsey Graham. And he went from 1% to nothing,” he said.

Carly Fiorina was also a target. “Carly was a little nasty to me. Be careful Carly,” Trump warned. “I can’t say anything because she’s a woman and I don’t want to be accused of being tough on women….I promised I wouldn’t say that she ran Hewlett-Packard into the ground.”...

Hillary Clinton wasn’t spared either when Trump responded to a question from reporters earlier in the evening about whether Al Gore or Joe Biden would jump into the race. “I think that they’ll be probably involved at some point because there’s a lot of pressure on Hillary right now, it’s been brutal,” he said. “It’s been brutal for Hillary and I think at some point she’s perhaps not going to run, she’s gonna have to end her campaign.” He added, “I don’t see how she can run, I think she’s got much bigger problems than running for office.”

But the one theme Trump returned to repeatedly was the nation’s infrastructure.

When he was asked by a questioner whether he would push an American mission to Mars, the audience reacted with applause, as he made a face and responded, “I wanna rebuild our infrastructure first, OK?”...

Perhaps the biggest round of applause came as Trump maintained, “you don’t want a politically correct president,” a theme that resonated with most of the attendees at the rally.

I want somebody who is going to make us feel like Americans again and give us a backbone. He’s a smart rich guy who talks just like we do,” said Jimmy Riordan, a retired Raymond, N.H., resident who used to work with diesel engine parts. “You know how he stands up there and talks about the Hillary Clinton money? He’s trying to tell you that it’s not the way it’s supposed to workthat he gets somebody just by buying them. He can’t be bought. But he admitted it! If a politician said that, he wouldn’t be running. He admits it just to show you that it’s the wrong way it should be.”

Trump’s past controversial comments didn’t seem to worry many people here, including Teresa “Cooky” Sheehan, a retired accountant from Hampton. “I don’t care about him saying anything off the wall or anything like that. Just about what he’s going to do. Politicians are bought and paid for.”

“Every time I turn on the TV I see them lying. It makes me angry. It’s been happening for the last 8 years since Obama,” said Jared Wilson, a construction worker from Hampton.

As the main event raged on in the auditorium, a packed overflow room waited anxiously down the hall for the real estate mogul to make his appearance. Flanking the empty podium, two televisions and speakers blared out his message live. Many whispered “wow” amongst themselves, nodding and cheering at each new idea that Trump introduced. When he entered the room after his main address, the majority of the few hundred people were on their feet, passing him copies of “The Art of the Deal” as he exclaimed, “Wow! Some crowd!” To one man standing on a chair, Trump asked him to get down and then joked that he’d sue the candidate if he fell.

He departed to the same cheers that greeted him. One twenty-something attendee returned from the rope line to report that he snapped a selfie with Donald Trump, grinning....

RELATED: Trump: Democrats are ‘having fun’ while ‘the world is burning’ 

“I must have heard at least 15 times today that the thing people like about Trump is he says what we are all thinking but can’t bear to say,” said State Rep. Fred Doucette, the co-chairman of Trump’s New Hampshire campaign. “He’s a straight talker. He says what he thinks and thinks what he says and sticks to it and tells the truth. People are sick of the same old same old. They are sick of the politicians. We are ready for a businessman to run this country.”"


Comment: Re: the term, 'political correctness,' it didn't seem like a big deal when it began decades ago. Time passed and we found out it meant we were bad. We had to permanently shut up and pay, everyone in the world knew better than we did, and we were the problem. People loudly applaud someone who appreciates this must end, that it should never have begun. Why have we  been suffocated, scorned and laughed at? A mute populace is preferable to some. Those who fought and died, lost limbs, gave up years of their lives defending what they thought this country to be didn't do these things so their survivors could be ridiculed and told to shut up. Who'd fight for the privilege of being told to shut up?

WMUR report:

8/15/15, "Donald Trump speaks to 3,000 people at Hampton rally,", Mike Cronin,  Hampton, NH

Hundreds in line in NH to see Trump
"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was back on the campaign trail in New Hampshire Friday. The businessman held a rally at Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, where thousands gathered to listen to his speech.

Organizers set up overflow rooms to hold the 3,000 people who came to watch Trump address a range of issues.

“People are tired of what's happening to our country,” Trump said. “They're tired of being ripped off by everybody in the world.”...

He fired up the crowd by saying how politicians have taken advantage of Americans. “They're largely incompetent except when it comes to getting re-elected,” Trump said.

Trump said the military needs to be strengthened, along with America’s standing in the world.

“It's the greatest theft in the history of the United States (in) what China has done to us,” Trump said.

We have rebuilt China. Our money has rebuilt China.”

Trump said infrastructure needs to be built at home, and he’s the man to do it.

“Our bridges are falling apart. Our roads are a mess. Our schools, our highways, everything. It's a mess. And who's better at infrastructure than Trump?” he asked."...

8/15/15, "Hundreds of people in line in Hampton, New Hampshire tonight, waiting to see Donald Trump. The story @ 11 on .," Shelley Walcott, @ShelleyWMUR twitter, 5:01pm


Citizen speaks at town meeting in US by Norman Rockwell, via 10/20/2010, "On 2 November, Americans will vote in hundreds of tax referendums; it's time to repatriate our revolution," UK Telegraph, Daniel Hannan

When we won a few days later, Hannan rejoiced, with the headline, "It's Morning in America," on 11/3/2010. Unfortunately, morning quickly turned to night as the Republican Party chose to ignore the landslide victory we gave them.


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