Thursday, August 20, 2015

Trump tops new poll of Texas Republican voters, Gravis Marketing poll released 8/20/15: Trump 24, Cruz 16, Bush 9

'Released Thursday (8/20/15),' no poll dates given, no link to poll:

8/20/15, "Trump pushes Cruz out of lead in Texas poll," Houston Chronicle, Kevin Diaz

Donald Trump 24%
Ted Cruz 16%
Ben Carson 12%
Jeb Bush 9%
Fiorina 5%
Rubio 5%
Perry 4%
Walker 4%
Paul 0%

"The Trump bandwagon has come to Texas. Two months after billionaire mogul Donald Trump polled at a lowly 2 percent in a University of Texas survey of Texas Republican voters, he's shot up to the top-same as where he is in the national polls.

A new poll released Thursday puts Trump in the lead at 24 percent support among registered Republicans in Texas, pushing native son Ted Cruz into the second spot at 16 percent.

The latest poll was commissioned by a group called the Texas Bipartisan Justice Committee, which hired the Florida-based Gravis Marketing firm to conduct the research.

The poll is bad news for Cruz, who enjoyed a commanding lead with 20 percent in the June Texas Politics Project poll. It's also more bad news for former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who was second at 12 percent in the previous poll.

Perry dropped to 4 percent in the latest Texas poll, at the back of the pack with Scott Walker and Mike Huckabee.

In third place after Cruz in the new poll is Ben Carson, at 12 percent. Jeb Bush follows at 9 percent, a troubling fourth place finish for an establishment favorite and scion of the Bush family in Texas.

Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio tied at 5 percent, and Rand Paul, another native son of Texas, didn't rate a mention at all."



Comment: Houston Chronicle says "Registered Republicans in Texas" were surveyed. Another site, Quorum Report, said both: "likely Republican voters" and "registered Republicans" were surveyed. Quorum Report includes that 976 Texas Republicans were surveyed. (Neither site links to poll).

From Quorum Report:

8/20/15, "Trump-24%, Cruz 16%, Bush 9%, Walker and Perry 4% in poll of Texas likely Republican voters," Quorum Report

"Random survey of 976 likely Republican voters suggests Texas Republicans in step with national polls." (subscription req. for details)

"The Texas Bipartisan Justice Committee formed by occasional QR contributor John Coppedge commissioned the poll of Texas Republicans by non-partisan Gravis Marketing to test Texas attitudes among registered Republicans.

The results would seem to correlate with national polling in the GOP presidential nomination horse-race."


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