Thursday, August 20, 2015

Trump lead increases in latest North Carolina Public Policy Poll, 10 points ahead of nearest competitor, poll dates Wed. Aug. 12-Sun. Aug. 16

8/19/15, "Trump Continues to Grow in North Carolina; Dem Race Steady," Public Policy Polling, press release

Donald Trump 24%
Ben Carson 14% 
Jeb Bush 13%
Ted Cruz 10%
Marco Rubio 9%
Fiorina 6%
Huckabee 6%
Walker 6%

Poll dates, 8/12-8/16/15 

"Last month (July 2015) when we polled North Carolina and found Donald Trump leading the Republican field, it was the first poll by anyone anywhere to find Trump out ahead. He was at 16%. Our newest survey of the state finds that Trump's momentum has just continued to grow at 24% to 14% for Ben Carson, 13% for Jeb Bush, 10% for Ted Cruz, 9% for Marco Rubio, and 6% each for Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, and Scott Walker. Those folks make for a pretty clean top 8 in the state. Rounding out the field are Rand Paul at 3%, Chris Christie and Rick Santorum at 2%, John Kasich and Rick Perry at 1%, Jim Gilmore, Bobby Jindal, and George Pataki with less than 1%, and Lindsey Graham with literally no supporters. Trump's 8 point gain gives him the biggest momentum in the state over the last month. The other two candidates with upward momentum are Carson and Cruz. Carson's gone from 9% to 14% as people's first choice. Beyond that he's 21% of voters' second choice, making him the clear leader on that front. And his 66/11 favorability rating makes him the most popular of the GOP hopefuls in the state. Cruz has gone from 6% a month ago to his 10% standing now. The losers in North Carolina over the last month are Walker, Huckabee, Paul, and Christie. Walker's dropped 6 points from 12% last month to now....
Trump leads the GOP field with moderates (29%), 'somewhat conservative' voters (25%), 'very conservative' voters (21%), men (26%), women (22%), middle aged voters (26%), younger voters (25%), and seniors (20%) alike....
Public Policy Polling surveyed 957 voters from August 12th to 16th, including 477 Democratic primary voters and 406 Republican primary voters. The margin of error for the overall survey is +/-3.2%, for the Democratic primary voters it’s +/-4.5%, and for the Republican primary voters it’s +/-4.9%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the internet."

Scroll down for poll questions and answers.


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