Sunday, August 23, 2015

Republican Party lost in 2012 by spending $11.5 million more on consultants, $109.8 million less on advertising, and $51.8 million less on payroll than its incumbent Democrat opponent-Washington Post, 12/7/2012

GOP spent 87% more on so-called consultants

12/7/2012, "2012 Presidential Campaign Finance Explorer," Washington Post

"Where they are spending it"

"The candidates, national parties and super PACs spend the bulk of their campaign cash on advertising, mail, staff and fundraising. Here is a breakdown of the major categories of spending by each candidate."...

Romney campaign spent $11.5 million more on consultants than its incumbent Democrat opponent:

$13.2 million-Obama spent on consultants
$24.7 million-Romney spent on consultants

Consultant ratio, R v D

Romney campaign spent $109.8 million less on advertising than incumbent Obama:

$580.1 million-Obama spent on advertising
$470.3 million-Romney spent on advertising


Romney campaign spent $51.8 million less on payroll than incumbent Obama:

$102.3 million-Obama spent on payroll 
$50.8 million-Romney spent on payroll

Red and blue image above comparing consultant spending between the two campaigns from Washington Post


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