Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Donald Trump triple nearest competitor in latest New Hampshire poll, Trump 35%, Jeb Bush 7%. Trump leads in both men and women and across ideologies, Aug. 21-24, 2015 (Fri-Mon)-Public Policy Polling

8/25/15, "Trump Way Ahead in New Hampshire; Sanders Leads Clinton," Public Policy Polling

"PPP's new New Hampshire poll finds Donald Trump in the strongest position of any poll we've done anywhere since he entered the race."...

Donald Trump 35%
John Kasich 11%
Fiorina 10%
Jeb Bush 7%
Scott Walker 7%
Ben Carson 6%
Christie 4%
Ted Cruz 4%
Rubio 4%
Paul 3%

"Trump laps the Republican field with 35% to 11% for John Kasich, 10% for Carly Fiorina, 7% each for Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, 6% for Ben Carson, 4% each for Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio, and 3% for Rand Paul. Candidates falling outside the top ten in the state are Rick Perry at 2%, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, and Rick Santorum at 1%, and Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, and Bobby Jindal all at less than 1%....

“This is by far the best we’ve found Donald Trump doing anywhere during his entire surge,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “If anything he just seems to be getting stronger as the campaign rolls on."...
Tea Party voters (44%), 
men (39%), 
conservatives (36%)
voters who are most concerned about electability (35%), 
both younger voters and seniors (at 34% with each), 
evangelicals (32%), 
moderates (29%)
Trump has a 56/32 favorability rating and he also leads when you match him with the other Republican hopefuls head to head....

More are concerned that their candidate can beat the democrat in the general election (51%) than they are about a candidate who is "most conservative on the issues (30%):"

"Q24 When it comes to the Republican nominee for President are you more concerned with having the candidate who is the most conservative on the issues, or the one who has the best chance of beating a Democrat in the general election?  
...30% More concerned with having the candidate who is the most conservative on the issues
...51% More concerned with having the candidate who has the best chance of beating a Democrat in the general election

...19% Not sure." 

Gender: (no page numbers):

Public Policy Polling surveyed 436 usual Republican primary voters and 370 usual Democratic primary voters from August 21st to 24th. The margin of error for the Republicans is +/-4.7% and for the Democrats it’s +/-5.1%. 80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the internet."


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