7/28/15, "Drive-Bys Attempt to Smear Trump with More of the Usual Crap, Fail Miserably," Rush Limbaugh transcript
"RUSH: While on the subject of Trump, the latest polling data from TheHill.com:
"Donald Trump's opened his biggest lead in the early voting state of
New Hampshire. He holds a 2-to-1 lead over his nearest competitor,
according to the Monmouth University poll. Nearly a quarter of likely
voters prefer Trump." It's 24%, the actual number, "12% for Jeb Bush. John Kasich and Scott Walker each attracted 7%. Now, the Drive-Bys are
touting Kasich today, claiming that he has the single biggest polling
increase since his announcement, but he's at 7% with Scott Walker.
Rubio, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Chris Christie follow in the poll."
Now, Trump "maintains a double digital lead among voters who identify
as very conservative, somewhat conservative, and with the Tea Party. Scott Walker is his nearest competitor in those three metrics -- very
conservative, somewhat conservative, and Tea Party. Among those who
listed a second-choice preference, Trump with 8% ties with Rubio and
Christie, and they trail Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, who have 10% each.
"An NBC poll over the weekend found Trump with 21% of potential
Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, followed by Bush at 14,
Walker at 12, and Kasich at seven. Take these two together," it says
here at TheHill.com, "and Trump has seemingly weathered comments mocking
Senator John McCain." He didn't weather...Let me tell you something.
You people in the media are gonna have to figure something out very
quick. If you want to have the ghost chance of understanding what's
happening here, and I don't think you care....
Trump did not "weather any controversy
with McCain. Trump did not survive any controversy over his remarks
about McCain. Trump rose in the polls because of his comments about
McCain. And this is not a close difference. It's a big difference, and
you people in the Drive-Bys and in your respective polling units are
gonna have to understand this. John McCain is not loved and adored in
the conservative base....
The conservative
base does not have the reverence for John McCain that you people in the
media do....You see,
you people in the Drive-Bys are very happy with Republicans who you
know are going to lose presidential elections. Those are your favorite
You like the squishy, moderate, anti-Tea Party, anti-social issue
Republicans, because you know they're gonna lose. I mean, you loved
McCain before he had a Democrat opponent....You guys love
McCain so much that he thought you were his base! He thought, and the
rest of the Republican Party thought, that McCain was gonna be the
Republican to come along and have the support of the media, the first
Republican ever to get the support of the media over a Democrat.
Well, a problem occurred, and that is the Democrats nominated a
candidate. But once that happened, the media threw McCain overboard,
and all the love and the respect and admiration they had for McCain
vanished. And it wouldn't have mattered if it was Hillary or Obama who
won the Democrat nomination, the media was always gonna throw McCain
overboard. The Republican Party missed that. McCain missed that. And
so they're blindsided. But ever since then because McCain was their guy
once, they're always gonna have reverence for McCain.
The media loves Republicans who lose, folks. They are, for some
reason, really attracted to Republicans that lose, or are going to
lose. So, the media doesn't understand. Trump did not have to survive
some sort of McCain controversy or weather any kind of a storm. He
gained support because of what he said. And not just on McCain, but on
other things, too. You people in the media, understand: The Republican
base is not like you. The Republican base is tired of accords and
associations with Republicans who are going to lose."
Rush Limbaugh.com, "Related Links
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