7/16/15, "A Special Evening with Ann Coulter," At meeting of the Ronald Reagan Foundation
In following excerpt Ann praises Donald Trump, notes he spoke at CPAC against amnesty, that many people may not know this about Trump. Some of Ann's other views on politicians are impossible to reconcile, as commenters have noted. This is exemplified when Ann says at the end of the interview (about an hour) she believes Mitt Romney whom she likes very much will
be the 2016 GOP candidate. She doesn't like Rubio, Bush, or Cruz (she claims he's ineligible by birth):
47:30, Larry Elder asks Ann for quick reaction to names. First, Trump:
47:38, Ann: "Magnificent."
Larry asks Ann if she would've said that six months ago:
47:18, "He's actually been good on immigration longer than many of you may think. We [Trump and Ann] were the only two anti-immigration speakers 3 CPACs back. CPAC used to be a big, conservative meeting in Washington, now it's just a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. But they had panels on immigration. Every single speaker was pro-mass amnesty and mass immigration, every single one. The only two speakers who spoke against amnesty were Donald Trump and me because we had standalone speeches." (48:21)
via, 7/19/15, "Ann Coulter Discusses Immigration, Gaslighting and Presidental Candidates…," Conservative Treehouse, Sundance
"Great interview with Ann Coulter and Larry Elder. While the primary
topic is immigration and all of the ramifications from illegal aliens
and legal aliens, much of the conversation is also discussing
presidential politics."
3 among comments at Conservative Treehouse:
"joanfoster says: July 19, 2015 at 6:33 pm
Ann is a flame thrower. She isn’t
interested in anything positive for the country, just interested in
getting on the next talk show and throwing out her one liners. In the
final analysis, she is an advocate for the moderates in the party who
long ago sold out Reagan’s vision of America. We call them here on this
site Decepticons. I consider Ann a leader of the parade of Decepticons.
Anyone who could have considered Christy a viable candidate for President is not a friend of conservatives.
I believe Trump said it correctly that this will be an election about
competence. We have seen so much incompetence in the last 6.5 years
that even among Democrats, competence is becoming an important issue in
this election. I can only wish that a conservative candidate catches
fire, but I am truly not hopeful. As of the moment, Trump is the only
candidate speaking my language and until other candidates find a
backbone, I am staying with him.
tyrannocankles says: July 19, 2015 at 7:06 pm
In many ways, this election actually is
ABOUT language. We want the language of Truth back. We want to cast
the language of Orwellian lies, and those who speak it, into the dustbin
of history.
Steve Jacobs (@BigfootSteve) says July 19, 2015 at 7:03 pm
Ann is right about immigration, but nuts
when it comes to Romney."...
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