Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ted Cruz leads for third month in a row in Hot Air reader poll, opens 9 point lead over Scott Walker in June 2015

Ted Cruz opens 9 point lead over Scott Walker in June 2015 Hot Air poll, 32.6 to 23.6:

6/9/15, "Hot Air Poll: For Third Month in a Row, Ted Cruz is the Frontrunner," Townhall.com, Daniel Doherty

"For the third month in a row, the junior senator from Texas leads the crop of contenders among Hot Air readers, garnering a whopping 33 percent of the vote

And while the sample size is markedly smaller than last month’s survey (only about 1800 readers participated, according to Patrick Ishmael) Ted Cruz, it seems, has finally distanced himself from Scott Walker, a candidate heretofore neck-and-neck with him in the site's recurring and monthly survey:

A few interesting tidbits: A cursory glance at the results show that Rick Perry has siphoned off, if not outright and skillfully stolen, many of Scott Walker’s supporters. For instance, in May Scott Walker and Rick Perry were polling at 34 percent and 3 percent, respectively. (That latter statistic is particularly unimpressive, given that Perry has been on the national stage before, and gained a sizable following before fanning out in 2012). And yet, several weeks later that dynamic has completely shifted. While Ted Cruz still retains around the same level of support, Scott Walker is polling at just 24 percent, and Rick Perry-impressively-has catapulted himself into third place. 

Is this an indication that conservatives are giving Perry a second look after his successful campaign launch last week, or will this noticeable, somewhat unexpected bounce in the polls be temporary and short-lived?"...via Free Rep.

Added: The poll was taken sometime between June 1 and June 7, 2015. I didn't see exact dates mentioned in the article. Susan
Among comments at Free Rep.
"To: cicero2k

This poll is like FR hosting a poll. Interesting, but the participants come from a narrow niche. The New Hampshire [Howie Carr-Gravis] poll is what scares. Jeb at 21%, the leader. 
That's funny...you are using New Hampshire (a tiny odd ball outlier of a state with cross over voting [open primary]) to call a prominent conservative website narrow? Really? That's just comical. 

Lemme help you out here: a place like Hot Air is read by HIGH INFORMATION people. Where the HIGH INFORMATION people are, is where others will go once they start paying attention and become more informed themselves. Thus, Hot Air is a good LEADING INDICATOR while New Hampshire rarely means spit. The last winner from NH got his clock cleaned the following week in SC, and the NH win had nothing to do with his Florida win after SC. Thus, NH was meaningless in 2008 and quite often is. Don't sweat it.
9 posted on 6/9/2015, 4:36:41 PM by C. Edmund Wright (www.FireKarlRove.com NOW)"
"To: 2ndDivisionVet

Yet the MSM still can’t bring themselves to utter his name.

3 posted on 6/9/2015, 4:20:03 PM by skeeter"
To: skeeter

Soon the LSM will HAVE to acknowledge him.

Go Ted Go.

4 posted on 6/9/2015, 4:23:02 PM by Maris Crane


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